Chapter 2: Outside of Safety

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       I've been training little by little since age 5 to get stronger to defeat the threat against the humans. I met a boy named Owen who has short brown hair, green eyes, he is short as me, SHORT BROS FOR LIFE, he is skinny as most of the kids here in the walls. We started talking yesterday and he told me something that made me cry. I was so emotional after he told me. He told me that his parents had died by the creatures that were threatening humanity and shortly after one of the 'warriors' found him. This made me so sad. He didn't want to talk about it so we just stole toast from the cafeteria and threw it at the tall people, WHICH WAS SO FUNNY because we hit one guy at least 12 times and he didn't notice. Once he did notice he came after us. I walked up to the door and started to jump for the door knob. "Me... And... My short... Self!" I said while hopping up to reach the door knob. I gave up right when my dad walked by. He seen me struggling and opened the door for me. "Thank you! Good night I love you!" I told him while reaching up to him. He picked me up. "Good night I love you, too" he carried me to my bed and put me on it. He lit the candle and left the room. I lay under my warm quilts and couldn't go to sleep. I wondered what was in the box I seen. I didn't let it bother me. I looked out the window and thought about how I forgot to go to the garden today to see Buddy, I looked out the window and seen him happily eating as he was yesterday. I sat there looking at him through the window for 30 minutes then got tired. I wanted to know what was in the box so I threw the quilt off of me and jumped off of my warm bed and into the cold air onto the cold wooden floor. I peeked under the bed and grabbed the box. It had a note on it. It said
But if you new me of course I opened it. I carefully lifted the box and found a small blade with my name carved into it the blade. The blade was polished steal and the handle was made of bronze. It had my birthstone forged into the bottom of the handle. I played around with it and discovered that if you pressed the birthstone the blade grew longer! The blades longest length is 5 feet. It was just another object to mock my shortness. I put it back in the box and shoved it under the bed. I struggled to climb onto the bed and finally reached the top 2 minutes later. I put the quilt over me and looked out the window and dozed off. I hit my head on the window. I lay down in the bed and went to sleep.
        I woke up and shoved the covers off of me. I sat up in the cold air and twisted around. My feet hung off the floor and I looked at it from so far up. Every time I fell down I thought I would die. I reached under the bed and got the cardboard box. I took the knife out of it and put it in my front pocket. I walked to the door that had something like a bench in front of it. I climbed upon it and stood. I got my balance and reached toward the door. I twisted the door knob and walked out to the stairs. No one was in the hall because it was so late in the morning. I walked to the tall stairs that had nothing to help me down and sat on the top step. I lay down and rolled to the bottom "WEEEEEEE!" I yelled. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt, but it was fun! I wanted to do it again but if I did, I would be more late then I am to get to breakfast. I came in and didn't see my father. My mother was getting food so I was on my own getting into my high chair as much as I hated it. I climbed on the wooden bench then the wooden table. I was walking to the high chair when I heard someone whisper "shoooorty has a crush..." I looked around to see who it was. IT WAS BRITTANY! "Brittany I always thought you had an issue." I continued walking toward the high chair. I made it there to it and stepped into it. I sat down and my mother came with food. She put the tray in front of me and ruffled my hair. BDKSHJKEEHKDS "I am throwing toast at you for that." I thought. I looked at my plate of soft pancake, soft scrambled eggs, and fresh squeezed orange juice. I think she found out that I was throwing toast at people and replaced it with pancakes. I don't like pancakes so I can throw it all!! MUHAHAHA! I threw the whole pancake at my mother and got in trouble.
She was taking my plate away from me. I WAS NOT DONE EATING so I stole a hand full of eggs. Then threw them at my mother for taking my food away. She looked at me angrily. "Uh oh.." I said looking worried. She walked up to me and looked me in the eyes. My heart started racing. She put her hand on my head a ruffled my hair again. "JKKBOBKBQIGZKGS!" I said angrily. Brittany was just sitting there watching me and she thought the whole thing was funny! My mother started laughing. She is my number one target now. She picked me up and put me on the floor. I seen Owen and ran up to him. "Hi Owen! We are supposes to see the outside world today!" This time I started jumping up and down not to reach the door knob. "Hi! You know how you are supposed to be one of those so called 'warriors'? Guess what! They are making me one, too!" I didn't expect him to have such a positive attitude about going BACK outside the walls where his parents died. I'm glad he has a positive attitude about it though! "Come on! I wanna show you Buddy!" We walked out to the garden where my fluffy friend Buddy was happily eating as always. "Hey Buddy!" I said in a somewhat of a rewarding voice. "BAAAAH" Buddy said. "Hi Buddy!" Owen said. We both rubbed his fluffy wool. I went to go get some more strawberries for him and noticed that there was a new plant. I didn't know what it was. I bent down and investigated. I wanted to pull just one out. I pulled the green stem out of the dirt and fell backwards. IT WAS A POTATO! I tasted some of it. It was better than I remembered. I haven't had a potato in a year or so. Owen came up behind me and asked "WHAT ARE YOU HOLDING?"  which scared the life out of me. "BIFLIBIDANGSTIC" I said. "What's a biflipitacsic?" He asked. "Its a potato not a what ever I just said." "ITS A POTATO?!" he asked eagerly while jumping up and down with a huge grin on his face. "Yea! Do you want some?" I asked him with a smile on my face. I held the potato out to him and his eyes glistened. He stopped jumping up and down to look at the potato. He was acting like the potato looked like heaven with his facial expression. He slowly took the potato and ate a big chunk out of it. He ran away to Buddy and gave him the potato. I looked at Owen with a 'wait why did you do that' face. Anyway Buddy liked the potato. My mother walked out the door. We weren't supposed to be in the garden but mother let me and told me not to get caught. She ran up to me and Owen. She grabbed my hand and walked inside the hallway. Owen followed after us. "What are we doing?" I asked her. "Were going outside the wall. Remember?" I jumped up and down. "Who is that?" She asked then she stopped to look at him. "I'm Owen." He said while smiling. "Where is your mother?" She asked. I stopped smiling and looked at mother. I signaled for her to shut up. She finally got what I meant and at that moment Owen had started crying.  He tried not to show it but it was clear to me. "Well... Come with me," she said. She grabbed mine and Owens hand and walked into the halls. For some reason we went to a room filled with clothes similar to each other. She belt down to look into my eyes. "Your going to have to-" "NO!" I knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to get me to replace my comfy PJs with uniform. "You have to or you can't see the outside world. You too O-" she looked at Owen who already had the uniform on. She ruffled his hair and he smiled. I looked at Owen who was being a good noodle. I finally agreed to put on the uniform after 15 minutes of arguing.
            {2 minutes later}
           The uniform was quite simple looking. There was a black Pancho with a hood, black pants, black boots, black belt, black long sleeved shirt, and black gloves. I supposed everything was black so we would blend into the darkness. I took the blade out of my PJs and put it in the side of my belt which I felt that the blade would eventually fall out of. Then my mother took Owen and I to another room filled with blades. "Zoe. Do me a favor and go to your room to get the box out from under your bed." She asked me. "Why?" I asked her. "There is a blade similar to this one that you need in it." She held out a matching blade. "Oh! You mean this!" I held out the blade to my mother. "Yes! That's it! Here... You'll need this one, too," she handed me the other blade. It was exactly like the other one! It had my name carved in it and everything! She gave Owen regular blades made for anyone. "I'll get someone to forge you blades like Zoe's," she told Owen. She walked out the door and we followed. She walked outside the walls! My mother held mine and Owen's hand and pulled us to the 'warriors'. I seen my dad! I smiled and waved. He looked at me with a sad look and waved. For some reason he started crying. I gave him a confused look. My mother and father came to me crying and bent down to hug me. I hugged them back. I guess it was just one of those random hugs. "ZOE!" Brittany yelled while running toward me. "Yes Brittany?" She came running to me crying. She hugged me. I hugged her back. "I'm sorry for calling you anything I said before!" She said while crying. I was so confused. "It ok," I felt like Owen was being left out so I pushed Brittany off of me. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I can't say..." She said. She wasn't wearing a uniform for some reason. Ryan and Sabrina were standing up tall and their parents looked ok. This only made me more confused. We were being pushed off in the woods by more 'warriors' "follow us," they said. We followed. "GOOD BYE WE LOVE YOU ZOE!" My mother yelled to me. "LOVE YOU, TOO!" I yelled back. They started walking far in front of us. We were having a hard time catching up as short people. Eventually everyone was split up, not by the 'warriors' but by lagging behind. Everyone in the group was confused and the  'warriors' were out of sight. I was panicking and Owen was looking around like 'OOH! I SEEN SOMETHING PINK!' face. I looked at him with a 'wth' face. I looked around and seen many things I could taste. Then we heard something. Like a person moaning and stepping on leaves. He limped our way. He had gray skin and it looked like his arm was dislocated and his eyes were crossed. FOR SOME REASON OWEN WENT UP AND KILLED THE MAN! I walked away with my hands up in the air and said "I'm done..." I walked off.

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