Chapter Seven

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When I woke up in the morning, Kris and I was entangled with each other. Everything in the world seemed at perfect peace at that moment. It was just me and Kris in the room.

Kris's roommate was Anthony, but he told me that he knew that Anthony wouldn't be in the room last night. My guess is that the two of them talked, and Anthony decided to room with someone else just in case last night got steamy and that it did.

Kris was still sleeping with his left arm draped over me, trapping me to stay where I laid. I didn't mind this situation since I still got to be close to him.

I don't know how long I laid there before Kris stirred and finally woke up. "Good morning beautiful," he said still half asleep. He pulled my body closer to him. We laid there for couple of minutes before he pecked my cheek getting out of the bed. "I need to take a shower," he said before he grabbed his clothes and disappeared into the bathroom.

I got out of the bed soon after Kris disappeared and I grabbed my phone. I noticed that I missed a phone call from my mom. I called her back right away. She answered after the second ring. "Bella!" I heard my mom cry. I knew this had to do with my twin sister, Alice.

"What did Alice do this time?" I asked being extremely annoyed. Alice is a druggy. She's been one since we been in high school. She's been in and out of jail because of this, and each time that she goes to jail or OD, I get one of these calls from my mother, crying.

I heard my mother take a deep breath from the other end. "She's pregnant, and plus she's going back to jail for a hit and run and a DUI."

"She shouldn't have that kid, Mom! You know her, she can't even take care of herself!"

"I know, your father said the same thing, but we can't take the baby and I don't think that the baby should go up for adoption."

I laid on the bed again, thinking. "Mom, I'd probably be able to take the kid, but Alice cannot get this child back. Also, she cannot be in this child's life. She breaks too many promises; I have no trust in her."

"Yeah, but you would do that? You would take the kid?" My mom actually sounded extremely shocked that I agreed to it. I, normally, try to stay as far away from Alice talk as possible, but my parents need some help with this.

"Yeah, I will want to talk to Kris about this. I know that we aren't really serious, but I will love to have his opinion of when he believes we should do with everything. So, how far along is she?"

"Six months, I know for a fact that she was using the whole time," I could hear the disappointment in my mother's voice. She and I both know that the outcome for this baby doesn't look the greatest.

"She's so dumb. Hey Mom, I got to go, but I'll think about all of this. I'll let you know and call you later. Love you, bye," I quickly said before I hanged the phone up, when I heard Kris come out of the bathroom.

I looked up at him, looking so fresh and sweet. He smiled at me and I was totally lost in him. Just seeing him smile let me forget everything that is going on in my family. Just seeing him in general made me want to be with him forever.

"Your turn, Annabella," he said flopping down onto the bed. I grabbed my things and ran into the bathroom trying to get done with my shower and everything as quickly as humanly possible.


When Anna got out of the bathroom, we headed down to the hotel's breakfast. She held my hand, but I could tell that something was going on in that brilliant brain of hers. I didn't ask her what was wrong because I knew that if it concerned me, she'd bring it up, but I did try to keep her mind off of whatever was going on.

"So, what do you want to do this morning?" I asked her after we finally found the breakfast area.

She grabbed a plate in silence. "Um, defiantly not something that you can just fall asleep in. It's not fun trying to get you up." I grabbed a plate too, and we started to pile them up with whatever seemed edible.

The area was mostly deserted, so it was nice to be able to across from Anna in a booth in quietness. We talked about the possibilities of places to go and what we had planned, trying to find a time that we could see each other next.

The quietness soon was over, thanks to Rizzo, Dex, Addy, and Grandpa coming down to get something to eat. After they grabbed their own mountains of food, they came over and squeezed in with us.

"Bryant, you got to take Riz back!" Gramps sighed. "I don't think that I can handle having him in my room any longer."

"Come on, Dad! I wasn't that bad," Riz whined.

"Don't worry, Gramps. He'll be able to come back tonight, if you insist."

Riz looked at Anna and smiled, "What do you have to work tonight?"

I watched her nod. "Yeah, I have that pestering thing called work."

"Hey Krissy, you better not decide that you want to spend time with her a work again," Dex loudly said making the whole group laugh.

Anna stared right at me with a little smirk on her face. "You better not do that, because I really don't want to baby you again."

I stared back at her, "Good, because I don't want to get babied by you again."

"Good." I wanted to get up and kiss her right at this moment, but I couldn't because of the fact that couldn't reach her. She smiled at me before she started to text someone on her phone.

Once both of us was able to get out, we separated from the guys. We decided just to go on a way around the city. I could still tell that something was bothering her. I was getting tired of her looking so down about something. "Hey honey, what's going on?" I asked looking down at her. She let go of my hand after I asked that. I didn't know what to say, so I just said, "You don't have to tell me, but..."

"No, I feel like I should tell you anyway," she said, interrupting me. And then she went on explaining to me about her twin sister, that she always calls her 'younger sister' and said that she was a college. Truthfully, I was shocked to learn about this information about her family. From what I heard, her family seemed great and very close, but I guess every family has their gray areas. "So, what do you think I should do with this child?" she asked seeming so sad and scared.

"You can't do this for your sister or your parents. You have to do this for yourself. Are you willing to raise this child, to love it as your own, to go through everything that parenthood intails with this child? If you aren't I don't think you should take this kid, but if you think that you will be willing to do it then you should. I will not tell you to or not to do it, but I'll still love you the same no matter what."

She grabbed my hand again and looked up me in shock. "Wow Kristopher, when did you get so wise?"

"I have always been wise, but your wisdom trumps mine, Annabella."

She stopped and hugged me. We stayed there for couple of moments before I lowered my head and our lips met. I wanted to be there for the rest of our lives, because I love her more than anything, even baseball. And I will always let her know that.

A Fallen Angel (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now