Chapter Eleven

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I went to every single home game. Tonight is Game Seven of the World Series. I went to the game last night, but I didn't let Kris know that I was here. I didn't want it to mess up his game, but I couldn't stay in St. Louis. I felt like I had an obligation to be here for him, no matter the outcome. I want to be here for him.

The whole game, I sat on the edge of my seat. I was ready either to have a heart attack or to help someone else who has a heart attack. That is what I felt just sitting in the intense crowd, so I have no idea how Kris could be playing through all of this.

I don't even know how to express how I felt when that blasted home run happened. I bet everyone who watched that felt remotely the same way I did, if you was cheering for the Cubs that is. Anyway, I had my doubt about the whole thing after that point, and it really escalated once the rain delay came. I felt numb sitting there in the rain.

During the whole rain delay, I prayed that somehow they would be able to squeeze out a win somehow. I don't want to show up unexpectedly to see Kris, and they lose the World Series. I don't think I could handle that. I want Kris to be happy more than anything, and I want him to finally get something he was hoping since he was tiny.

Thankfully, the game went on into the tenth. I sucked my breath in as Schwarber got a hit. 'Come on, Kris, hit something good!' I prayed, and I thought that he did have something good, until that stupid outfielder had to catch the ball. He was so close, but I guess I can't complain since they did end up on getting a two run lead, which went down to one by the time that Kris slipped when he threw the final out to Rizzo.

I jumped up and down in the rain, crying. I was so happy for him that I couldn't help but to cry.

I followed some of the other women and families to the clubhouse. I was freaking out waiting for the moment that I could see Kris and see his reaction.

I felt a tap on my shoulder waiting for us being able to see them. I turned around seeing an older couple. "Hello?" I said questionably.

"Hello, darling, are you Annabella White, by a chance?" the woman asked me, with the biggest smile on her face.

"Yeah, that's me," I said with a bright smile of my own. The woman hugged me, and I was shocked.

"Oh dear, I'm Susie Bryant, Kris's mother. It's so nice to meet you." I was stunned. I didn't think that I'd meet them somewhere else, like at a dinner not in a very cramped hallway.

The other man put his hand on Susie's shoulder. You could tell that he did shed at least one tear, but who didn't. "I'm Kris's dad, Mike. Kris said that you wouldn't be able to make it because of work."

I knew I was starting to blush. "Yeah, but I managed to get off for yesterday and today's game."

"Oh, that is sweet of you. Kris has told us so much about you, all good too. So how long do you have off?" she asked hugging me once more.

"I have to work on Sunday. I'm so lucky that they allowed me all of this time off, even though he plays for the Cubs."

Mike was taken aback about what I said. "Why?"

"Oh," I said. "I live in St. Louis. There are a lot of Cardinal fans where I work, with hate for the Cubs."

"Oh, we forgot that Kris said that you lived in St. Louis. By the way, thanks for taking good of care of my son when he got hit in the head with that pitch. We was so scared but lucky that you were there." His mother was so nice and warming.

"I was just doing my job. He didn't make it that easy to avoid him though. He always made an appearance in my mind."

The guys finally came out. I hid behind Susie, when Kris came over. He didn't see me yet, and that was how I wanted it to be. I watched Kris hug his dad then his mom before he noticed that I was there. His face was priceless. My face went to a bright shade of red being able to see him.


When I saw Anna, I was in a state of shock, but that didn't stop me from picking her up in my arms. I planted a kiss right onto her lips. I'm so glad that she was here in this moment. I already felt like the happiest man in the world, and Anna being there made me happy even happier, if that was possible.

"You made it," I managed between kisses.

"Yeah, I was here for yesterday's game also, so..."

I set her back down on the ground. "I'm so glad that you did. I missed you!"

"Missed you too, that's why I came. I love you, Kristopher!" Oh my, I win the World Series and Annabella said that she loved me for the first time. I think I'm in heaven!

"I love you, too, Annabella!" I pecked her lips once more before I realized that my parents was still here watching us. "So, I take it that you guys have greeted each other."

Mom had the biggest smile, and so did my dad, actually. "Oh yes, Kris. We had the pleasure of introductions when we were waiting out here for you."

"Sorry, do you guys want to see the trophy?" I asked, looking at Anna. She's so beautiful. She is my Angel, my savior.

"Lead the way, my World Champion!" Anna yelled so I could hear her over the loudness that surround us. I grab her wrist, and I pulled her into the clubhouse where the Commissioner's Trophy sat.

A Fallen Angel (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now