Chapter Eight

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Our magic number was down to zero. The Cardinals lost last night making us the NL Central Champions. The guys and I are extremely excited about going to the postseason, but this was expected out of us. The only thing that I wished I had was Annabella. She's back in St. Louis sleeping, probably, since she had to work last night, so I can't even call her to express my happiness.

Riz and I sat in the clubhouse, while everyone else was getting dressed for practice. "So, you haven't talked to Anna lately, have you?" he asked looking out onto the almost deserted stadium.

"No, how did you know?" I asked laying my head back against the wall.

"You seem so down lately. No matter what good thing or bad thing that is happening to us, you keep the constant sulking Kris. Which is the exact opposite when we were in St. Louis couple of weeks ago. Then you basically skipped around the clubhouse. Don't worry, I am not the only one who say this. So, what is going on?"

"Um... she's been working or sleeping constantly. Whenever she is free, I'm busy... I just wish that we could be together more. It's just hard."

Riz shove my side, "I know it is man, but you got to get your mind off of her. Enjoy the moment, and after we win the rings, you can spend every waking moment next to her." I stayed quiet thinking. "Or, you could invite her to come to Game One and Two. Remember, October 7 and 8."

"Thanks, Riz. I was thinking about that, I just don't know if she'll be able too with work and all," I said still being extremely sad.

"Just ask. I think that it's still early enough for her too get off. It doesn't hurt to just ask."

"Oh alright, I just hope that your right, Riz," I said standing up.

"Don't worry, KB, I am." The guys were starting to pile out into the dugout, and Riz and I went out onto the field to start to get ready for the game that laid in front of us.

After we won the game and we got done with all the post-game interviews and things we had to do, I went back to my apartment alone. I sat on my couch not knowing if Anna was working tonight or not.

Me: Hey are you free?

There was no response for couple of minutes, so I turned on the volume to full blast and left the room so I wouldn't constantly check it for a response. The waiting game could drive any sane man mad, and that is exactly what it's doing to me right now.

I grabbed an ice cream sandwich from the freezer, when I finally heard my phone buzz. With my sandwich in hand, I sprinted back into the living room, grabbing my phone.

I saw that it was Anthony who texted me, not Anna. I was sad at that fact, so I just ignored the text and turned on baseball so I could get my mind off of everything.


Sitting in Ali and Michael's living room, all I wanted to do was to call Kris, but I couldn't since Michael and Ali decided that we should hang out outside of work without our phones.

"Anna, why do you look so sad?" Michael asked as the T.V. turned to commercial.

I looked over at my phone, which laid on the coffee table. The blinking green light flickered on my phone. "Kris should be home from his game by now. I haven't talked to him for... well, since he was here. We text but everything is hours apart."

Ali looked at me and smiled, "You really like him, don't you?"

I looked over to her, not being able to stop the big grin that rapidly spread across my lips. "I don't know," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Awe, you really like him! Go on, grab your phone and call him. I'm sure that keeping relationship is more important, so go on. We won't judge you."

I looked at her, testing her bluff. She did nothing, so I snatched my phone and called Kris. I saw that he texted me, but I didn't even bother to see what he had sent me.

The phone rang and rang. I was about to hang up when I heard a voice that I recognized as Kris say, "Hello."

"Well hello there, Kristopher," I said jokingly. "Long time no talk."

"Annabella, I missed your voice."

"You miss just my voice, because I miss all of you. Every little imperfection, and you don't have that much," I sat on the counter in the kitchen. "Sorry, I didn't get your text message, Ali and Michael is holding me captive at their house to watch some nerdy movies that they love."

"No, it's fine, and I did miss all of you too. And I hope you know that, that just sounds wrong. Anyway, I have a question for you."


"We'll we just made it to the post season. So, I was wondering if you'd want to come. You could stay with me, so you don't have to worry about any of that when getting a hotel will be hard," I could hear that he sounded nervous. I don't know why, but he did.

"When is it?"

"October 7 and 8, we are in Chicago for that. We'd be in San Francisco or New York on the 9th and maybe the 10th."

I smiled to myself, "I'll talk to my boss and see if I can take a vacation the whole postseason. Most likely I don't have enough vacation to make it all the way through October, but I'll try."

"That's all I need. I want you there, and I want to be with you to share the experience."

We got off the phone a little bit later, and I walked out to the living room to watch the rest of the movie with them. Every commercial, Ali made some comment about Kris to me. I didn't mind about it, since I continued texting Kris the whole movie and my walk to my apartment.

I hope that you enjoyed this part. I currently have a newish story that I am posting called "The Story of Them". It is a baseball story and I hope you check it out.

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