Mine - Never leave you alone

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As fast as I could, I packed my stuff and went to my car, only to find I'd forgotten my TomTom. I ran as fast as I could to my apartment and back to collect it. Then I found out I'd forgotten the paper with the address and the phone number, so I went back again.

When I was back in the car I dialled the number and told the woman at the other end of the line, Taylor's supposed "mother", that I'd found her child and that I would bring her to her, hoping she would believe I had a fake daughter.

Even though she tried to sound really nice over the phone, I immediately hated her guts. She had one of those fake nice voices, and because she was so eager to get her child back in the tower, it was very difficult for her to continue to whole charade.

The tower was two hours driving away, at the edge of a desert. It was a really high tower, surrounded by big rose bushes. At least, back then I thought those were rose bushes.

I walked around the tower, but there didn't seem to be an entrance, so I decided to call the phone number again, hoping I would be lucky again.

She immediately picked up, and seemed to be very angry at the first sounds. Later, I realized that she really was pissed, but then I just thought it was impatience.

'Hey, I have the girl and I'm standing outside of the tower. Can you please open the door for me?'

She chuckled.

'There is no door, my dear, just climb the rope.'

And with those words she threw a rope out of the only window in the whole tower, up high at the top of the building. The rope was completely made out of hair, which appeared strange to me. Who in the world had that long hair that you could make a gigantic rope with it?

But I just shrugged and climbed the rope. Me being an idiot again, decided it was a good idea to scream the news when I was almost by the window.

'Hey Rapunzel, watch out, she's not your real mother!'

With those words, I threw my backpack into the tower.

When I was ready to climb into the tower myself, she screamed my name. And with that, her mother appeared. Her eyes were full of fire and her hair was blowing in the wind. She didn't seem human at all.

'Lair!' she screamed on top of her lungs and the echo of it filled my head.

At that moment I realized I was tricked by the wicked of creatures: a witch, and one of the worst ones: the kind with the extreme obsession to possess a child.

She laughed evilly and cut the rope.

I fell all the way down, onto the surprisingly soft bushes. The bushes saved my life and made sure I didn't break anything, but the thorns of the branches pierced themselves into my flesh. It hurt like hell and my vision was getting blurrier with the second. I crawled out of the bushes and the witch appeared in front of me, laughing.

Moments after that, everything went black.

I'd completely lost my eyesight.

Then the witch conjured us to another place.

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