Riarkle wedding part 2

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Riley's POV
Me and farkle haven't seen the finished product of the wedding reception so we are really excited. We all walk in and gasp. It looks amazing thanks to Maya. I hug her and say thank you

Maya POV
Riley was really happy with the decorations and I was really glad. We all got sat down and started to talk. Me , Lucas , farkle , Riley , Niamh , Stewart minkus , Jennifer minkus , topanga and Cory were at the middle rectangle table and everyone else where at the round tables. I was sitting next to huckleberry and Riley.

R- * whispering* so Maya when do you think you will get married
M- I don't know
Everyone was handed glasses of champagne which looked more expensive than my house my car and my laptop in one.

M- ranger rick
L- yes shortstack
M- do you think that maybe hope isn't so bad
L- Maya what is this that has come over you
M- I don't know but Riley has hoped for things and got them. So maybe hope isn't for suckers
L- here's a deal think of one thing you want to happen and hope for it if it comes true hope isn't for suckers
M- okay lets do it. Ha hurrrrr
Whilst I'm going ha hurrrrrr in Lucas's face he kisses me and I kiss back
N- ew guys
M- it's not that bad
N- well that's too much for my little eyes
L- really
N- yes
Then me and Lucas grab her and tickle her. She then sits up and kisses me on the cheek
M- what was that for
N- because I love you
M- I love I too

Niamh walked of going over to some family members.
L- ur great with her
M- really
L- yeah
Then Everyone is rushed of to the bar so the staff can move the tables and get out the dance floor. When everyone comes back in it is time for speeches. I make my speech first.
"Riley farkle I love you guys. You have been there for my ups and downs and have always supported me. You guys have kept me out of trouble but also got me in trouble. I would also like to say riles that you are the brightest , most sunshiny , happy person in the world and I love you."

Lucas POV
After Maya's speech it was my turn.
"Riley farkle you guys have been there for me ever since I first came to New York. Even though farkle thought of me as a threat he was still there when I needed him. I remember one day we were talking and you were telling me I was the answer to ur Riley Maya dilemma. In the end I ended up with other one and you ended up with the first. Riley u have always been there for me and you have always kept Texas Lucas back so thank you and I hope you guys have so many happy years ahead of you." after me Cory made a speech about how Riley's only marrying farkle because farkle sold him his best cow. Then topanga went and her speech was amazing but that's topanga she's amazing at everything she does.

Farkles POV
It was finally time for my speech. "Farkle time. Let's start this off by thanking you all for being here and also thanking you Riley for making this day actually happen. You are my sunshine my Pluto and my heart. Without you I would be lost and alone. We will grow old together , laugh together and cry together from today onwards and always. I love you with my whole heart and couldn't imagine a life without you."
R- thank you farkle
Everyone was balling there eyes out now

Riley's POV
I'm the last speech so let's make it the best.
" thank you everyone for being here , thank u mum and dad for raising me , thank you Maya and lucas for always being there and thank you farkle for loving me. I'm glad Pluto will always be a planet to you and I'm also glad I will always be a part of ur universe. I will love you till the day I die and I will always cherish what we have. I love you farkle"
Everyone was starting to cry again so we decided to cut the cake

 I love you farkle"Everyone was starting to cry again so we decided to cut the cake

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Then it was the first dance. Me and farkle danced to the song all of me by john legend. I saw Lucas and farkle give me the signal
R- okay girls gather round I'm gonna throw the flowers
I got ready to throw the flowers but then I turned around and handed them too .... first who ever catches the flowers will get married next so you might know where this is going.

Lucas POV
Riley handed the flowers too Maya and she looked at Riley puzzled. I then walked up to Maya and got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.
L- Maya hart will you make me the happiest huckleberry on earth and marry me
M- yes yes absolutely yes
We then kissed and everybody cheered.

Maya POV
M- I can believe I'm engaged
R- I know
M- where you in on this
R- maybe
M- You where

Everybody was walking up to congratulate me when I saw Shawn.
S- congratulations Maya I'm so happy for you
M- thank you Shawn
S- I always told you good things do come true, I met you and your mum and you met Lucas. Who knows maybe the world has started looking out for misfits like us
M- aw dad no need to get all sentimental
S- I'm sorry I'm just so happy for you
M- I love you dad
S- I love you too maya
I then hugged shaw to finish off our beautiful father daughter moment.

Then the music started to play again and me and Lucas danced. Towards the end of the night me and Riley were doing our weird dance moves to pop songs. It was midnight when me and Lucas left.

We barely made our way home without ripping each other's clothes off. We got in the house and went upstairs to the bedroom. First of all it just started as a make out session but then all the alcohol and feelings kicked in. Lucas laid me down on the bed and started to take my dress off whilst still making out with my neck. I then ripped his shirt off and stared at those rock hard abs of his. We then did a few things that I probably shouldn't write. After we finished I laid in bed and just stared at the ceiling thinking. I can't believe I can say this but I hoped to marry Lucas so Lucas won the bet because I'm engaged to a huckleberry.

I'm really glad with this chapter. Thank u for 300 reads it's more reads that i thought I would ever get. Also if there's any Harry Potter fans reading this , I went to see fantastic beasts and it was amazing. Bye x

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