Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

~Eyeless Jack's p.o.v.~

Guilt was a stupid thing. Not even logical, at least not to me.

That was all that I had been feeling lately. Guilt. I wasn't sure, but I had a feeling that it had to do with killing Hope.

The thought of her name made me cringe. The guilt was a constant reminder of her, and I hated it. Why couldn't I just forget everything about her?

"Yo, EJ? You zone out on me?" Ben asked, breaking me from my trance.

"I'm listening," I snapped.

"What did I just say then?" the moronic asshole said, crossing his arms.

"You confessed to being a dick," I shot at him. He glared at me, and I reached across and smacked him upside the head.

He tried to hit me back, but I quickly scooted back and he fell forward.

We were sitting on logs, still being forced to stay in the forest. Ben wasn't the best company, but he was better than Jeff. I was bored out of my mind, what the hell did Slender expect us to do?

Why did we have to stay in here anyway? I could be out killing, but instead I was being forced to stay here, accompanied by an elf.

"You suck dude," Ben said. I ignored him. If I wanted to kill, my prey would have to be someone wondering into the forest.

A sound came from our left, deep into the trees. I strained to listen closer, signaling for Ben to shut his shit up.

We could hear someone singing. It sounded like a girl, maybe in her teens.

I jumped up and pulled my knife out, Ben rolled his eyes at my eagerness.

I walked slowly into the trees, to see a figure about 20 yards away.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die," the voice continued. I almost laughed, the irony of the words. She would of course be afraid to die when I held my blade just above her heart. The thought made me even more excited.

I waited for her to get closer, and it was confirmed that she was in fact a girl.

She had long brown hair that went to her waist, and cold brown eyes. She had earphones on, and I could hear the music from where I was.

Good, that meant she wouldn't hear my approach.

She looked about 17, maybe younger. She wore simple black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. Similar to a good majority of Hope's wardrobe.

Yes, I did in fact creep around her bedroom, when she was in the hospital.

The reminder of Hope hit like a ton of bricks weighing down on my chest. I hate every single thing that reminded me of her.

I had to get rid of this girl quickly, I refused to feel this way.

I walked up behind her, not even bothering to be stealthy. She turned slightly and her eyes went wide as she took my appearance in.

Yeah, be scared of me bitch.

The words I used when talking to or about woman, even if I was about to kill them, were very disrespectful, yes I was fully aware of that. It was just a habit, that I couldn't quite break.

Who cares about respecting them? You certainly don't.

Do I?

Of course I wouldn't have called Hope any of those names.

In Love With A Killer (Eyeless Jack)Where stories live. Discover now