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For the past three days, I was staying at Justin's apartment at first I didn't want to but when Justin worked his magic and made me stay with him. He told me the whole story why he and Payton fought.

flashback in italic:

"I saw him with this guy, they kissed, but when I asked her, she told me I was just being insecure and I was the one who cheated. Told me I was cheating with my worker. You know how much I love her, Bells, I would never do that." He sobbed and hugged me tight.

After crying for god knows how long, he fell asleep on my shoulder. Little did he know it hurted me more than it hurted him.


Today Justin went to work after taking three days off, and Lisa, my wonderful manager said I can take a week off for my birthday. I never really get to celebrate my birthdays with anybody, it was really nothing special, also I'm nowhere near a party thrower type of person.

What got me so worried was that I haven't heard anything from Payton since she was sleeping in my apartment. I started to get worried when I called Maia, Payton's manager, and she said that Payton was hanging out with Mason Brown. Mason was Payton's ex boyfriend whom she dated while we were starting our acting careers and Justin was in New York studying business. He was a control freak, I had no idea how they even dated in the first place, now the fact that Payton hung out with him again made me confused.

As if she has telepathic skills, Payton replied my text after three days.

from PAY💕:

Hi bells, sorry for not answering. I was kind of busy.

busy? please tell me she was not with that Mason guy.

to PAY💕 :

Seriously, where are you I'm so worried?!

I've always asked Payton what the hell is going on Payton's mind when she said she never liked Justin more than just a friend. The only answer I always get was she never felt anything when they kissed, and that was not something she would do for a long run, not even for money.

One of the many things that I love about Payton was that she never once lied to herself. Other celebrities might think that Payton was a bitch, but I know the real Payton, I know my bestfriend and I would always believe Payton before anyone else.

I heard Can't Stop The Feeling started playing and I realized that was my phone ringing, Payton's name was on the screen. It didn't take me so long to pick that up.


I heard her laugh from distance. "Hello to you too, sister, I'm at someone's."

"And who's someone?"

"Let me guess? Mason?" I asked hoping I was wrong.

"Yup." She said simply. As if it's really okay to go to your cheating ex boyfriend's house whenever you feel like it.

"So you and Justin really done now?" I asked.

"I guess." She stated lazily.

"You guess?" I asked.

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