Part 29 ~ Captain Hydra

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Dean's POV

Dean stares at the TV showing the events of Sokovia as he sadly swishes the whiskey in his glass. He couldn't remember how long it had been since his sister had went missing. Everyone had tried everything to find her. Tony had every cctv in the world looking for her, while Natasha and Bucky followed up and any lead they could find. Dean dreaded the thought of what she would be when he found her.

Cas had given her last message to him and it had almost drove him insane. He couldn't fight the feeling that her missing, and being taken was all because he made her leave her room. If he would have just left her alone she would still be here, with him and their family. Downing his glass in one gulp he motions for the bartender to bring him another.

His phone rings causing him to lift it up to see who was calling. Noticing Nat's name, he instantly answers it and says, "You find anything?"

"I think so," She replies making a knot well up in his throat. "There's a new player on the board. A woman with (H/C) goes by the name, 'Captain Hydra'."

"Okay, so what does that have to do with (Name)?" Dean asks getting irritated.

"Her moves, her skills, they're just like (Name)'s. If we could just get close enough to remove her mask we'd know for sure, but that's easier said than done."

"Okay, why?"

"She's like a ghost now. Just like Bucky was when he was controlled by Hydra."

"I'll ask around to see if any other Hunters have seen her or heard of this 'Captain Hydra'." Dean says as he instantly hangs up his phone and swiftly dials Sam's number. "Yeah?"

"Nat thinks she has a lead, someone called 'Captain Hydra'? you heard anything about someone like that?" Dean asks as he finishes his drink and tosses some money down.

"Did you just say 'Captain Hydra'?"

"Yeah lame name I know." Dean retorts making Sam chuckle.

"Well, Cas is here I'll have his ask the angels if they've heard anything and let you know."

"Thanks brother." Dean says as he hangs up the phone and walk out of the bar only to walk into a familiar face. "What the hell do you want?"

"What? The king of hell can't have drink after a long day?" Crowley asks and Dean rolls his eyes.

"I don't have the time to deal with you." Dean says as he pushes past him.

"You're looking for (Name) right?" He asks causing Dean to stop dead in his tracks and turning glare at the demon. "It just so happens I have the information you're looking for."

"What do you want for it?" Dean asks narrowing his eyes at Crowley.

"There are things in this world that are scarier than demons Dean, and (Name) just happens to be working for one." Crowley says as he pulls an envelope out of his coat pocket and hands it to Dean. As Dean opens it Crowley shifts his weight from one foot to another before he continues, "This 'Thing' (Name) is working for is not human, at least not anymore."

"What the hell is this supposed to be? Like the original Inhuman?" Dean asks as he looks at a picture of a man with dark hair and a long black coat.

"You could call him that yes, but he's unlike any inhuman you've ever seen."

"He's gotta be pretty badass to make Demon's scared of him." Dean jokes making Crowley narrow his eyes at him. "That bad huh?"

"I wouldn't be here if it were just some regular inhuman. Normally demons can possess anyone, but this inhuman is different."

"So, what's his MO? World domination or invasion?" Dean asks as he looks through the envelope at pictures of the so called 'Captain Hydra' in their uniform. It was definitely, a woman. The uniform looked just like Steve's stealth uniform except for where the star and stripes were, the HYDRA insignia on her chest with red stripes moving from the insignia to her shoulders.

"My underlings tell me he wishes to somehow turn all the humans into Inhumans. Everyone."

"Alright, thanks." Dean says as he turns and still reading the information walks over to his Impala. He continued to look through the pictures until one clear one of Captain Hydra's face was seen and he froze. It was (Name). Before he has a chance to think his phone rings and he answers it to find a panicked Becky on the other side.

"Uncle Dean, I-it's momma."

"Wow slow down, what's going on?" Dean says hopping into the car to speed back to the bunker.

"M-momma came here." Becky was crying and that infuriated Dean. "She had black eyes," Well, shit, (Name) was a demon again. "She wanted to know where you and dad were."

"What? Did she say why?" Dean asks confusion filling his voice. It was no surprise she would be asking about Bucky, if she was working for Hydra then they of course wanted Buck. "No, but it was weird; she called dad the Asset. Like she didn't even know him, and the worst part is," She pauses to catch her breath. "She took uncle Sam." Dean's heart dropped.

"She what?" He replies in disbelief.

"I tried to stop her but she locked me in the dungeon. She was arguing with someone about her leaving me but I couldn't quite catch it."

"So Sammy's with her. Okay, I'm on my way home. lock the doors and don't answer them for anyone other than me."

"Okay," Becky replied as she sniffled on the other side of the phone.

"I'll be there soon." Dean says as he hangs up the phone and throwing the car in drive speeds off. As he drove back to the bunker his mind was swirling with all the new information he was given. (Name) was Captain Hydra, she was a demon, her mind was apparently wiped, and she took Sam. Why would she take Sam? Gritting his teeth, he presses the pedal to the floor as he speeds back to his frantic niece.

Reader's POV

"This isn't you (Name), they've obviously brainwashed you." The tall dark headed man says from across the bus. Rolling my eyes, I pull at the collar of my suit. He hadn't stopped rambling since I tossed him in here. "(Name) please,"

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I ask as I stare down at him in confusion. "I don't know you, I've never met you. You're just my mission."

"No, I'm not; I'm your brother. My name is Sam Winchester, and yours is (Name) Winchester."

"NO I'm not!" I growl out my eyes turning black. "I am Captain Hydra. That is the only name I have. I have no family."

"Oh really?" Sam questions narrowing his eyes at me. "Then why did you make them leave Becky behind?" I feel something inside me tighten at the reminder of the little brown haired girl back at the bunker. "Why didn't you kill Cas but only send him away?" Before he has another chance to say anymore he is knocked unconscious by my handler.

"Geez, I thought he'd never shut up." She says and I grit my teeth. Anger courses through my veins making me grip tight to the seat underneath me making it creak as it bends. Her eyes find mine and she smirks as she says, "What's the matter Captain?"

"Don't touch him." I growl my black eyes glaring deep into her brown orbs. "He's MY mission."

"Last time I checked I was your boss, you don't get to tell me what to do." She replies folding her arms over her chest a smug smile filling her lips.

"You know something," I say my black eyes dissipating and my grip loosening on the bench. "If he didn't have use for you, I'd snap you like a twig." A smile fills my face as a dark glare fills hers. "I may not know who I am Gretel, but I do know one thing," Like lightning I move from one side of the bus to the other and wrap my hand around her skinny neck and squeeze. "No matter who I am, I'll always hate you." Gretel gasps for air as she tries to break free from my grasp. I stand there smiling down at her as I slowly tighten my grip more making her eyes start to grow dark; but before the life leaves her body I release her. The back of the bus fills with her gasps for air as a chuckle leaves my lips. Her eyes fill with hatred as they find mine and I smile brightly. "My day just got so much better. Who's next on my list?"

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