Chapter 4: Old friends

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Chapter 4

~*~ Months Later ~*~

A sense of calm was rushed over me as the bitter taste of the alcohol ran down my throat. One of my hands was holding a bottle of vodka, while the other gripped the back of a guy's head keeping him up. My mouth left the tip of the bottle, as I felt my fangs show themselves. I leaned towards his neck letting the sweet taste of blood, engulf me. Slowly, I slid my fangs into his neck, and drank the blood. The blood began to taste bitter, as flashbacks of what bought me here came back.


A month ago....

Coming back to Mystic Falls had put my mood into more of a downpour then it already was. They hated me. I was forced to threaten and torture Damon myself, or Klaus was going to do it. Knowing Klaus, he would've easily killed him, so I took the opportunity to do it myself.

After that first day, things got even worst. My previous plan to get stronger and overthrow Klaus, was thrown down the drain, as Damon and the rest kept interfering, their vengeful feelings for Klaus getting the best of them.

This previous night, Damon came so close to killing Klaus, but last second, I had to push Damon out of the way. I knew Klaus had compelled his newly made hybrids to kill and attack anyone who made a move. With Klaus' cannibal father as Damon and the rests' secret weapon, they had a good plan. Though with Klaus distracted, Damon got close to killing him and I pushed him out of the way knowing the consequences. And now he hates me. He said it himself.

I slid out of my car, with a new found confidence ready to face him. By saving Klaus' life by pushing Damon away, I earned my freedom. Putting ideas of killing Klaus myself away, I made my way to the Salvatore boarding house.

With a deep breath, I put my hand up ready to knock, but then put it down. This was still my home. I didn't need permission. Instead, I put my hand on the knob and twisted it, pushing it open. The sight I saw only a couple of feet away had my insides feeling like they were on fire. My breathing sped up, and tears welled my eyes. The hurt present throughout my body was too much for me to handle. Someone I had sacrificed my life for, couldn't pay me back. Everything I had worked for was for nothing. The one who I was in this mess for, was a cheater.

My heart felt as if it was torn, shattered and stomped on, as I felt them still at it. The only thoughts running through my head were extremely vengeful and suicidal ones. I felt really nauseous and the world began spinning. But all the emotions I have been through was a little too much. Too much for someone as inexperienced in love like me to handle. I knew first loves didn't last but mine was supposed to. The worst part is, I didn't deserve this. I did nothing to feel like I do now. With those thoughts in my head, my body began rejecting my hurt feelings, pushing them away, till there was complete emptiness. I decided I didn't care. I didn't care about Damon, or about anything else.

They were still at it, Damon and Elena's lips moving against each other, with passion. The movements were synced, and filled with pure lust. Something I never got. But I don't care. Leaving them kissing like that, I turned around walking out of the door, and slamming it shut behind me. I kept walking, not looking back, there wasn't a single reason I should.


Present time

The thing about myself now, was I couldn't careless. Tossing the body on the floor, I walked out from the back hallway of the night club, and made my way out.

The moon was full in the sky, as I began to walk through the quiet streets, taking long gulps from the almost empty bottle. I craved to go back into the club, and suck someone dry, but my need for a goodnight's sleep was much more stronger right now.

I decided that the next place I go, I will hot-wire a car, to drive. My car was still at the boarding house, and the other three I hot wired were lost.

A few minutes of walking the quiet streets with no luck in finding a good car, I began to hear the footsteps of multiple people following behind me. I kept my normal pace not that worried of who it was. If I let my demon free, they will be the ones running.

The footsteps came closer and closer, till they were matching strides with my own. I still didn't look up, not finding any reason to. It's not like I care.

"What's a sweetheart like you doing all alone on such a fine evening?" A husky, and lustful human voice asked. I looked up at the dark sky, that was releasing soft rumbles of thunder, and thought to myself. It sure was a fine evening.

"Why don't we show you a good time?" Another voice asked grabbing my arm and spinning me around. The five boys were now surrounding me, as I basked in the smell of their blood. I knew that tonight I was going to eat well and sleep well.

My mouth curved up in a seducing smile, wanting to play along with a game they had began. "You boys want a good time?" I asked, my voice sultry, and a little slurred as effects of the drink had set in.

Cocky grins, and smug looks took over each of their faces. They all wanted me as much as I them. But all for different reasons. Five pairs of eyes were looking me over enjoying the view, even if it was a bit disheveled.

As I was about to show them some fangs, gushes of wind surrounded us. With my enhanced senses, I picked up on the silver figures moving around us five. There were four vampires here. I sighed and tapped my foot annoyed. One by one the five boys intended for dinner, disappeared, till they were replaced by dead bodies.

"That, was my dinner." I pointed out annoyed and not at all afraid. "Tonight the four of you will have to gladly step up and replace them."

"Never thought that's the way you'd greet the most amazing person to walk the universe." A familiar female voice, confidently said from behind me.

I dropped the bottle in my hands and crossed my arms over my chest. I turned around to take in the view of an old friend. Her blonde hair, pin straight was tied up in a high pony tail. Her pale body clad in black. Her green eyes were a little amuse taking my appearance in.

"For your information, I greet myself with plenty of comments when I look in the mirror."

"Always the cocky one." She mused, and smiled like the old friend she was.

"Always the saviour." I muttered back. "Though I would've much preferred taking care of them myself."

"So you turned it off?" She asked.

"Yep." I replied.

"You gonna tell me why?" she asked.


I began walking towards her, as she asked. "Need a place to stay?"

"Wasn't going to ask." I muttered, just as I glanced to the left to see her three friends.


Authors note

I'm sorry.

I had really bad writers block.

I got this idea and immediately began working on it.

This is short, but its better than nothing. Sorta a filler.

I'll try and update more frequently.

Thanks so much.


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