❝He hates me❞ | Farkle X Reader

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This was pretty obvious,you have a crush on Farkle

Except,you think he hates you

First,he never looks at you,he only speaks to you if you start the conversation, he never says hi to you but he says hi to everyone

Basically you were just sad about those facts and reasons

Riley saw you stare at Farkle,your expression quite sad

"Hey"She nudges you,you turn to her


"You still think that?"She asks

You nod

"Can't you see that-"

"He hates me"You interrupt

"He hates me,he hates me,he hates me"You repeat

"Okay maybe"

Lucas sits down next to you,putting his hand on your shoulder

"Maybe he does,why don't you ask him?"He suggests

You look at Farkle,who was leaning against his locker

"Sure,I have nothing to loose"You mutter

You stand up,take a breathe in,then march over to him


Farkle looks up at you from his book,he closes it,slightly annoyed

You gulp

"Do you hate me?"You ask,staring intensely at him

He sighs

"Hmm,maybe I do,maybe not"

And with that,he brushes past you with his book in hand, walking away

You stand there,then slide down the locker,facing Riley and Lucas,who were looking as you slides down in a sad mess

"He hates me,maybe or maybe not"


ehh sorry for not updating!


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