save | everyone x reader

524 16 9

At this time of your life,you barely sleep or do anything

Dark circles appear around your eyes,due to lack of sleep and you appeared more paler than usual

Your veins popped out of your wrists and arms

And your lips were red and cracked all the time,plus you always had bruises on your body

Riley was the first one to notice this,telling her friends about it

"Hey guys,have you noticed that y/n looks different now?"She asks at the lunch table of her friends

Maya glances at you,nodding

"Yeah,I've noticed,but I just thought it was my hallucinations"

"Now that I think about it"Zay says,"She/he seems less cheerful than usual"

"Well,I heard y/n was going through a stage"Farkle shrugs his shoulders

"But it's probably just me"

Just as they quiet down,you walk past then,blinking due to your eyes turning red and hurting


You turn around,wincing at the pain


Smackle grabs your arm and looks at it

"..Did you accidentally hurt yourself?"She asks you,pointing at your cuts and bruises

You nod

"Apparently it's a stupid ass plan to play with knives"You reply, pulling down your jacket sleeve

"You sure?"She wraps an arm around you

You nod again,smiling but fastly dissapearing due to blood almost spilling out the corners of your mouth

"I'm fine"You hug Smackle then walk off,now limping

"Guys"Lucas speaks up

Everyone turns to him,waiting for his explanation

"I think we need to save y/n"He says,everyone immediately questioning what he meant

"Saving from what?Her/his health?"

"I mean,save her/him from all the pain"He explains

"And how exactly do we do that?"Maya asks,

"Easy,we find out what's physically and mentally hurting her/him then we'll help"Lucas claps his hands together

"Good?"He asks

Zay nods,throwing away the leftovers of his lunch

"Do we need to stalk-"

"Well obviously"Lucas interrupts

"Isn't that kinda violating her/his space?"Smackle questions, worried

"Well we kinda have to"Zay says

"So,after school?"Riley asks

"Oh uh,yeah!"Lucas replies

"After school we'll find out"

*after school*

"Now, we all know where y/n lives right?"

Maya raises her hand,whooping

"Oh oh!I know!"She smiles brightly as she waves her hand

"Okay so Maya knows"He says

"Now guide us"

Maya nods,pointing down the street

"Down there,left,right when we see a coffee shop"She explains

"Maybe we should run"Lucas suggests,looking around nervously

"Awe,why!"Riley asks,rolling her eyes

"I have high heels on!"

"Fine fine,we won't run"Lucas sighs,signaling down

"Hurry up"

As they arrived at your house,they look into your window

"I see pink!"Smackle yells,earning a punch from Maya

"Sshhh!"Maya hisses at her


"I see (favorite band) posters!"Farkle Whispers

"So it's y/n"

Zay squints

"I see a boy with green clothing talking to her/him"

"Wait.."Riley says



"Could it be possible that Peter Pan is real and-"

"Peter Pan is taking y/n to adventures?"Smackle finishes


"That's ridiculous"Farkle comments,shaking his head

"That's not possible"

They watch as the boy made pressure to your body,leaving marks

The boy had a knife and tortured your lips and arms

He smiles at you and hugs you

Riley was highly disturbed

"Oh what the fu-"

"Are we still gonna save her/him?"

Farkle didn't hesitate to break the window to enter the bedroom

You jump at the sound,the boy with green clothing grinning at you

"Your time is up"He tells you

He picks you up and carries you to the broken window

Farkle and his friends were already in,shooked at what they were seeing

"You're not gonna kill-"

"Oh of course not"The boy caresses your hair

"I'm going to keep my precious y/n"

He jumps off the railing just as you a drop note

Your yells are heard and fade away

The six stood there,shaking their heads

Farkle walks over to the note you have dropped and picks it up

This boy abuses me..please save me

He looks back at his friends,grinning

"Looks like we are gonna save y/n"

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