"I guess we're friends now" | Josh X Reader

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You sat by yourself in lunch,your headphones shoved into your ears

"I seriously need friends"You mutter,glaring at everyone

You feel a tap on your shoulder

"What now"You say,turning around

You look up and see a black haired dude,holding his paper bag lunch

"Oh great another person who wants to be my friend"You mutter

"Can I sit here?"The boy asks

You nod,turning back around to your food

"So what's your name?"He asks

Oh no he wants to interact

You unplug your headphones and look at him

"Y/N"You reply bluntly,resting your chin on your palm

"Pretty name"The boy says

You look away,a blush forming on your cheeks

"Pfft,thanks"You mutter,looking back at him

"And your name is?"


"Aww well Josh"You start

"Nice to meet you"

Josh grabs your hand

"I guess we're friends now"He says,winking at you

"We'll see about that"You tell him,trying not to smile

"Yeah sure whatever"




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