Emily Carlson is a 17 year old girl who lives in St.Paul, MN and her life isn't perfect. Her mom passed away when she was a freshmen in high school, she gets bullied by the guys in her grade. She goes on the computer and watches Blake Gray's You No...
I wake up and I replay what happened yesterday. Blake and I broke up. I'm not going to cry because it's not worth my tears. I go downstairs to eat and everyone is staring at me. "Morning Emily." Cam says and gives me a hug. "Morning Cam." I tell him and I give him a hug. "Do you want to have some time just the two of us?" He asked me. "I would love that!" I tell him. I run back upstairs and I pull out my Jonesy Felicity Peplum top and I put it on and I grab my Hot Kiss Stars and Stripes shorts and I put them on. I grab my Adidas high tops and I put them on. I look in the mirror and I look really adorable. I hope Cameron likes it. I go back downstairs and I see all the guys, Blake, and my friends look at me. "You look...... wow Emily." Cam says. I blush. "Thanks Cam. Ready to go?" "Yeah, let's go." Cam says.
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Cam's Outfit.
Cam's POV
I see Emily coming down the stairs and everyone looks at her including Blake. They broke up yesterday and I was their for her when she had her relapse. "Morning Emily." I tell Emily and and I go over to her and I give her a hug. "Morning Cam." she tells me and she gives a hug back. "Do you want to have some time just the two of us?" I asked her. "I would love that!" she tells me. she runs back upstairs to get dressed. I see her running back downstairs and I look at Emily. She looks so amazing in her Jonesy Felicity Peplum top her Hot Kiss Stars and Stripes shorts and her Adidas high tops. I see the guys, Blake, and Emily's friends look at her. "You look...... wow Emily." I say to her . I see her blush and smile. "Thanks Cam. Ready to go?" "Yeah, let's go." I say.
After spending time together
Emily's POV
I had so much fun hanging out with Cameron today. I didn't have to worry about anything and I can finally breath again. "I'm glad that we got to hang out together just the two of us Cam, I really appreciate it. I can finally breath again." I tell him. "I'm glad that you had fun with me and why did you say that you can finally breath again?" He asked me. "Every time I would go out with out of you or any of the guys, I would have to ask Blake if I can go because he's protective of me and I didn't like that about him." "OK." He tells me. He gives me a hug and we both look into each others eyes and I see Cam leaning in and his lips are on mine. I kiss back because I feel something that I can't explain. We pull apart. "Wow." Cam says. "Yeah." I tell him. "Do you want to go inside?" He asked me. "Sure." I tell him. We get out of the car and we walk into the house and I have a smile on my face and Andrew and Tari see my smile. "Cameron's room. Now." They both say at the same time. All three of us go upstairs and Andrew locks Cam's door. "Why are you smile Missy?" "I had a really great time with Cameron and I didn't have to worry about Blake." I tell them. "That's good, but their is more to that smile than that." Tari says. "Fine, Cam and I kissed." "AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" They both say. I start blushing because of the kiss Cam and I shared in the car. "I'm so happy that you are moving on from Blake Emily." Tari says. "I'm glad too." I tell them. I unlock the door and we go back downstairs and I go and sit on Cam's lap without warning. "Why, hello their." Cam says. "hello to you to their." I say back. I snuggle into Cam and I feel so warm and cozy when I'm in Cam's arms. I fall asleep in his arms with a big smile on my face.
Cam's POV
I had so much fun hanging out with Emily today. "I'm glad that we got to hang out together just the two of us Cam, I really appreciate it. I can finally breath again." She tells me. "I'm glad that you had fun with me and why did you say that you can finally breath again?" I ask her. "Every time I would go out with out of you or any of the guys, I would have to ask Blake if I can go because he's protective of me and I didn't like that about him." "OK." I tell her. I give her a hug and we both look into each others eyes and I start leaning in and I put my lips on Emily's . I'm surprise that she's kissing me back because I feel something that I can't explain. We pull apart. "Wow." I say. "Yeah." She tells me. "Do you want to go inside?" I ask her. "Sure." She tells me. We get out of the car and we walk into the house and I see that she has a smile on her face and Andrew and Tari see her smile. "Cameron's room. Now." They both say at the same time. All three of them go upstairs to my room."How did your fun day go with Emily?" Hunter asks me. "It was really fun. We went to a movie and we walked around town for a little bit." "Their is something us you aren't telling us Cam."Taylor says. " And when we got back, I kissed her and she kissed me back." "GET IT CAM!!!!!" The guys yell. I hear Emily, Andrew, and Tari coming back downstairs and without warning, Emily sits on my lap. "Why, hello their Missy." I tell her. "hello to you to." She says back. She snuggles into me and I look down and I see that Emily has fallen asleep in my arms again. I give her a kiss on her forehead and I tell her "sweet dreams princess."
Comment on how it's going so far. Are Cam and Emily going to end up dating or is Emily going to go back to her first love Blake? LOVE YOU AND PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!