Dear Government
Are you happy? Are you happy with what you've done? Because I don't think you should be. Americans are afraid. And one of the first constitutions ideas they wanted to keep was to keep peace
And are you doing that goverment? Are you? People are protesting. And trying to move to Canada. Okay? Is that really okay government?
I respect you government honestly. But I can't wrap my head around the fact that you're okay with having people be afraid. And trying to change you.
If people are trying to change you, are you sure you're fine the way you are?
I guess this won't do much but I needed to tell you, the government how I feel
I mean women are still oppressed, LGBTQ people are still having to fight for the way they are treated.
Why isn't considered normal? There is no difference
And you let Donald Trump run for president when he has no experience with running a country just a freaking casino.
I'm sorry but. That doesn't seem right
These are simply my opinions. Please don't get up set
So I wrote this to voice my opinions. Please don't be upset