Chapter three

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Michael moves away from any windows as he curls up with his back against a wall

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Michael moves away from any windows as he curls up with his back against a wall.

It's night time but there is no way he is going to get any sleep.

Outside the wind is howling, rain pelting down and an occasional lightning that's followed by thunder.

It's freezing and so is he.

He rubs his arms trying to warm up but it isn't doing much. He sighs figuring that this is going to be a long night.


Vav had thrown a rain coat on and is racing through the rain. He knows where he is going because he has a mission.

X-ray was sent on the other mission.

Vav can see Michaels tree house up ahead. "Micool!" He calls trying to be heard over the wind but doesn't seem to get any response. He continues to hurry to where he can climb up to get inside and he goes up poking his head inside. "Micool?" He slightly glances around as he climbs in a little.

Michael jumps and turns to look to the entrance spotting Vav. "V-Vav?" He stutters from feeling cold.

Vav gets in more and hurries over to him crouching beside him. "Micool. You're freezing!" He takes his jacket off and puts it around the other.

Michael watches him do so and feels some relief as the jacket is rather warm.

"This is a pretty bad storm." Vav comments glancing outside seeing that rain is making its way into Michaels place. He turns back to the other. "Come on." He speaks but unfortunately thunder booms just as he speaks.

"What?" Michael has to ask as he looks to the other and he tries to not stutter anymore.

"Come with me." Vav says offering a hand to the other. "Put the jacket on and we can go."


Vav grins. "My place."

Michael blinks in surprise. "Y-you sure?"

Vav nods. "Now come."

Michael puts his arms through the sleeves then almost hesitantly takes Vavs offered hand.

They stand and head out of the tree house. Once they are outside Vav takes Michaels hand in his own and begins leading him towards his apartment.

The rain pelting down on them as they have leaned forward a little to try to help block it out.

Finally they reach the apartment complex and Vav leads the other inside.

Once inside they relax since there is no more rain pelting down onto them.

Vav still has their hands linked and he leads Michael deeper into the apartment.

Michael follows feeling relief at the feeling of no longer being anywhere freezing.

Vav gets him to sit on the couch and Michael takes off the soaked jacket.

It's a rain coat so the water will just roll off.

Vav places it on the coat rack as he took it before heading elsewhere.

Michael wonders what he should do though he decides to try to warm up faster right now. He starts to rub one arm when a blanket is put over him up to his shoulders. He pauses and glances over only to spot a smiling Vav.

"There you go." Vav says with a smile. "You'll warm up in no time. We haven't had this bad of a storm in quite a long time. But don't worry. You can stay here."

"Vav." Michael begins and the other tilts his head in a silent question. "Why do all of this? You barely know me."

Vav can't help but smile again as the questioning look fades. "Because you're my friend." He says bringing one arm around the other. "And a friend is a friend. You could have gotten really sick out there you know."

"Yeah but I didn't have much of a choice to be there." Michael points out.

"You could have come here." Vav moves to sit next to Michael. "Sure we don't really know each other but you're still our friend." He explains putting an arm around the other.

Michael feels warmth inside of him and he leans against Vav. "You're really nice." He compliments a little tired.

"You're staying here as of now. I'm not letting you go back out in that storm." Vav says almost announcing it. "So why don't you get some rest? Where is the most comfortable place for you to sleep?" He asks.

"The couch is fine." Michael waves it off.

"Stay there." Vav heads of somewhere.

Michael pulls the blanket around himself more feeling glad that at least he has Vav.

X-ray returns making sure to close the door behind himself.

Vav is just coming back with another blanket and a pillow. "Where's Mogar?"

"He's fine." X-ray assures Vav. "I made sure don't worry."

"Alright." Vav says and heads over to Michael. "Here. Got you a pillow and extra blanket."

"Thanks Vav." Michael says and takes the stuff only to place it on the couch how he'd like it.

"Say... What if you stayed here like for longer than just for a while?" Vav asks leaning against the back of the couch.

Michael blinks then turns to the other.

"I mean stay with me and X-ray." Vav explains. "That way you won't have to worry about anything again. Hilda, Rusty and Ash are over all the time. The landlord doesn't really care."

"I'd feel like I'd be intruding." Michael says uncertain about this idea. He can't help but remember what happened with his last friends. He glances down at the memory.

Vav blinks in worry then moves around the couch and settles next to Michael. "Hey. Are you ok?"

"Yeah why?" Michael asks not looking at the other.

"You just look like you have something on your mind." Vav says.

"It's nothing." Michael tries to wave it off.

"It's obviously something." X-ray says as he is now drying his hair with a towel.

"Do you miss your home? I mean where you came from before you came here." Vav asks gently.


"We should go after him!"

"Not yet! We need to have a little more patience."

"B-But... It's been so long..."

"I know. We're all worried. But right now we have to wait."

"... I don't know how much longer I can do that..."

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