Rock Me

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Chloe's P.O.V

I breath in and out, relaxing my nerves. I'm next to audition for The X Factor. This can make or break, my singing career. I can't mess this up.

"Let me love you". The guy before me, ends. The audience cheers, claps, and even whistles. Once the audience is hushed. Simon looks straight at the boy.

"I like your voice. I don't like you, though. You're cocky, you're rude, you're not even all that great, but i still see girls cheering for you, meaning you're already popular". Simon states.

"I think you're a cocky guy, nothing more, nothing less". Demi says, and the crowd Ooo's.

"I don't think you have The X Factor, you don't even have proper manners". Kelly says, sassily. The guy rolls his eyes.

"No, don't roll your eyes at her, if you wanna be in the music industry, with that attitude, they'll eat you up alive". Paulina snaps at him.

"We're gonna vote, it's a no, from me". Simon says, in a monotone voice.

"Same here". Demi agrees.

"100 percent, no"! Kelly smiles sweetly, rolling her eyes, in a mocking tone. Sassy.

"It's a no, you're gone". Paulina shrugs. The guy, flips them off, running off stage. He runs right by me, and looks me straight in the eye.

"Goodluck, if they didn't let me in, you have no chance, sweetie". He smirks.

"They didn't let you in, cause your voice, wasn't as good as you made it seem, stop being cocky, maybe you'd actually have someone here, to comfort you". I say gesturing, to the fact, no one was here, to support him.

"Fuck you, bitch". He curses.

"Sorry, i don't take cheap offers". I fake pout. His mouth hangs ajar, and the security, drags him away.

"And you're on, goodluck". The man, smiles, giving me the microphone. I take one last deep breath, and run on stage. There are thousands of people. You can do this. No you cannot. Yes i can. I wave to the crowd.

"Hey there, Dallas Texas"! I yell, into the microphone. The audience screams. Hopefully they like me. The audience quiets down.

"Nice entrance you did there". Demi laughs.

"Thank you". I chuckle.

"How are you"? Paulina ask.

"Great, fantastic, as happy as a Camel on Wednesday". I blurt out. The audience laughs.

"Okay, so what's your name"? Kelly ask, still kinda laughing.

"Chloe Olivers". I smile.

"Age"? Demi ask.

"I am 17, i'm not legal yet". I joke. The audience laughs again.

"You're quite the joker, aren't you"? Kelly, laughs slightly. I shrug, a 'yea, a bit'.

"Where are you from"? Paulina ask.

"Houston". I inform them, more cheers from the audience.

"REPRESENTIN' HOUSTON"!! I fist pump. Everyone's laughing. I smile, slightly. I caused them all to laugh.

"Okay, and what will you be singing"? Simon ask.

"Rock Me, by One Direction". I smile, it was my favorite song.

"You're a Directioner"? Simon, raises an eyebrow.

"Crazy Mofo". I correct him.

"Um, okay, whenever you're ready". He nods. I take a breath, and nod, to the sound guy. I would be doing the first verse, the chorus, and a bit of the ending. The music starts. This is it. Your one and only chance. Don't screw it up.

"Do you, remember summer 0'9, wanna go back their every night, just can't lie, it was the best time, of my life, lying on the beach, as the sun, blew out, playing this guitar, by the fire, too loud, oh my, my, they could never shut us down". I sing, letting the music take over me. The audience are screaming. Do they like me? That doesn't matter right now.

"I used to think, that i was better alone, why did i, ever wanna let you go, under the moonlight, as we stare at the sea, the words you whispered, i will always believe".

"I want you to, rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah, i want you to, rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah, i want you to, hit the pedal, heavy metal, show me, you care, i want you to rock me, rock me, rock me yeah"!

"R-O-C-K, me again, R-O-C-K, me again, R-O-C-K, me again, ROCK ME, YEAAAAAH"! I hold the last note. The audience erupts, in cheers, and applause. I just sang, my heart out. I did my best. I hope that makes the cut.

"Wow, you come on, making us laugh, and then you sing, and you got us hooked now". Kelly says, once everyone was silent.

"Thank you, Kelly". I thank her. She nods, in return.

"I agree with Kelly, you made me laugh, so hard, then i thought, how can this girl, get any better, she's sweet, funny, and beautiful, and then you sing, like that, and you make me, worry for my singing career, i got some major competition. Demi smiles.

I'm dreaming. I gotta be.

"Thank you, so much". I almost cry.

"You're a kind hearted girl, you're funny, and talented". Paulina comments.

"Thank you". I croak, when the first tear escapes.

"Chloe Olivers, you just sang a song, by a band, that was once, in your spot, and that's a challenge, because One Direction, are so successful, that you set the bar, extremely high, and then...". Simon pauses.

"You exceeded that bar". He exclaims. Here come the tears.

"We're gonna vote now, Kelly"? Simon, diverts his attention, to Kelly.

"I'm gonna say, Yes". She smiles, widely.

"Oh. My. God. Thank you, so much". I thank her.

"I'm gonna say yes, 100 percent, yes". Demi smiles, her white teeth, making an appearance.

"Thank you, Demi, you're an amazing artist". I compliment.

"Thank you, you are too". She smiles, again.

"Mija, you're going to make it, i'm going to say Si". Paulina announces.

"iGracias". I thank her, in Spanish.

"Chloe Olivers, i wanna see more from you, it's an absolute yes, four yes's, you are in"! Simon exclaims. I jump up and down.

"T-Thank you, so much"! I thank, running off stage, with a final wave.

"You're in"! My mom, exclaims, as i run into her arms, squealing.

I am actually in.

~Chloe's audition. Jane's will be up soon. Dedication to Micaela_Tomilson your comments always make me smile, and laugh. Btw, you spelt Tomlinson wrong (; lol, gtg byeeeee <3 Xx ~Kayla~

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