You Have The X Factor (Fanfiction)

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Chapter: 1

Diana's P.O.V

I roll my shoulders in circular motions, trying to calm myself.

"You can do this, you can do this". I repeat, trying to convince myself. I am currently next, to audition for The X Factor. The boy before me, had a nice voice, but he was cocky. He thought he was better than he was. It showed during his performance.

"You know what! Screw you all"! He exclaims, running off stage, after getting 4 no's. I gulp. What chance do i have?

"You're on, good luck". The man, tells me, giving me a pat on the back. I take a deep breath, running on stage.

"Hello Dallas Texas"! I greet, into the microphone. The crowd erupts in cheers. I wanted to show my confidence, before i embarrassed myself. Once the crowd quiets down, Demi smiles at me.

"Hello, how are you"? She ask, nicely.

"I'm doing amazing, i can't believe i'm here, i'm excited, i'm emotional, i just can't explain, how i'm feeling right now". I gush.

"Mixture of emotions". Simon nods, understanding.

"What is your name dear"? Paulina ask, politely.

"Diana Taylor's". I introduce.

"And is that, your given name"? Demi ask. I arch an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's my real name, Diana Sarah Taylor's". I nod. Demi nods, finally believing me.

"And how old are you"? Kelly ask.

"I am 17". I answer. The crowd cheers. Why are they cheering, it's just my age?

"Where are you from"? Demi ask.

"San Antonio". I answer, with a smile. The crowd cheers, yet again.

"When did you first start singing"? Paulina ask.

"When i was six". I inform her.

"You are beautiful". Kelly comments. I blush slightly, brushing my blue hair out of my eyes. If you've ever seen Jade Thirlwall with Blue hair than that's how my hair looks. Yes, it's inspired by her.

"Aww, thanks so much, you're beautiful aswell.

"Thank you". She smiles.

"And what will you be singing love"? Simon ask, his hand under his chin, looking like he could care less.

"Stay, by Rihanna". I inform him. He sends me a look, that to me says 'Goodluck kid, you're gonna need it', 'Yeah right, you ain't got a chance'.

"Okay, good luck". Simon says, cueing the sound guy. The music starts, and i take a deep breath. I would be doing the first and 2 verse and then the chorus. I finally start, on cue.

"All along, it was a fever, a cold sweat hot headed believer". I sing. The crowd cheers. I smile a bit, but continue.

"I threw my hands in the air, and said, 'show me something', he said, 'if you dare, come a little closer'".

"It's not much, of a life, you're living, it's not just something, you take, it's given".

"Round, and around, and around, and around, and around, we go. Oh, now, tell me now, tell me now, you know". I belt out, putting as much passion into the song as i could. The crowd is not on my mind. The judges aren't on my mind. The only thing on my mind, is the music. The music, i'm making with my voice.

"Not really sure, how i feel to feel about it, something in the way, you move, makes me feel like, i can't live with you, and it takes me all the way, i want you to stay"!

"Ooooh". I end. The crowd are on their feet, clapping. A standing ovation. Paulina, Kelly, and Demi, are standing and clapping aswell. Simon, on the other hand, is sitting down, and clapping, showing nothing more than a blank expression.

"Thank you". I smile, waving at the crowd.

"Okay, what the hell"? Kelly laughs. I furrow my brows in confusion, was i really that bad?

"You come on here, and you look down right gorgeous, almost too good to be true, then... you sing like that... and that's just unhumanly, how can someone be that perfect". She exclaims. I feel heat rise to my cheeks.

"Thank you, so much". I thank her.

"I agree with Kelly". Paulina starts, her accent clearly visible.

"You are a magnificent singer, you're beautiful, confident, and you aren't conceited, and darling if i looked like you, and sounded like you, i would be majorly conceited, and the fact that you're not, makes me like you even more". Paulina gushes.

"Oh my god, thank you". I smile.

"I, uh, i don't even know what to say, i mean, i felt like i was watching an angel sing". Demi starts. The crowd roars, clearly happy with her comment.

"Your voice gave me chills, i was absolutely shocked, that such an amazing voice, came out from your mouth, i mean, most 17 year olds, aren't singing like a pro, already". She smiles. I am so close to tears, i brush away a single tear.

"Thank you, so much, oh my God". I almost cry.

"Um, I have to admit, you walked on, and I wasn't interested." Simon says, with the same blank expression. I nod, because, i noticed that. The crowd boo's and yells at Simon.

"But, then you started singing, and that got my attention, and let me tell you, Diana Taylors". Simon pauses. The crowd and i, are dead silent.

"You are a star, in the making". Simon says, like it's no big deal, i let the tears fall, i can't hold them back anymore.

"Okay, we're gonna vote now, Kelly?" Simon ask.

"Yes, girl i love you, you're amazing, and i wanna see you again". Kelly smiles, brightly.

"Thank you, so much, god bless you". I smile, blessing her, cause i'm cool like that (; haha.

"Paulina"? Kelly ask.

"I'm going to say, Si, buena suerte hermosa". Paulina says. That means, 'Yes, goodluck beautiful'.

"iGracias, pautas". I thank. Spanish class, actually came in handy. I just responded, 'thank you, you rule'. Paulina laughs. They hand it off to Demi.

"100 percent yes, si, buena something". Demi laughs. The crowd, and I, laugh along.

"Thank you, so much Demi, i loved you in Camp Rock". I gush, she laughs.

"Thank you". She thanks me. It's now Simon's turn to vote. The vote, i'm most scared of.

"Diana Taylor's. I believe, i'm looking at a star, right in front of me, this is one of the easiest yes's I have ever given, you are in, 4 yes's". Simon exclaims. I jump up, beaming with excitement.

"Thank you, so much, Simon, all of you, oh my God, this isn't real"! I almost, scream. They all smile warmly, the crowd cheers loudly. I wave, leaving the stage. Carter, my best friend, engulfs me in his arms.

"You did it"! He exclaims. I cry, into his chest. I actually did it. I'm in.

"I did it". I whisper to myself, silently.

~First chapter. I hope you guys like it! Happy Early bday Louis, and JESUS!! lol i'm definitely not gonna have time to update on Christmas soo... merry Christmas guys cx Byeeee lovelies <3 Xx ~Kayla~

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