Chapter 31

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Your hand wasn't able to take it as it was too far and the cuffs were restraining you.
You stretched out your leg, trying to ignore the feeling of it recovering from numbness, and pull it near to you.

'Ungraceful is my middle name.'

Picking up the small object, you picked the lock of your cuffs. Good thing it was within your leg's reaching range.


It worked! For the first time, you actually felt joy, content and victory.

You opened the door slowly. Although it creaked softly, the kids were still sound asleep. How long was it when you last slept peacefully? You didn't know.

Closing the door, you crept to the main door. You slipped on your shoes and unlocked the door.
Seeing buildings, roads and trees everywhere without a cage-like gate blocking your view. Yes, you finally felt something you weren't able to feel when you knew every secret of the past. Freedom.

You stepped out of your house and smiled. You were finally free.
You ran and ran, taking in the scenery, not caring for any stares coming your way.

Children were playing. Adults were merrily chatting about the newest gossips (No, not Donald Trump becoming America's president or the similarly to the Simpsons.).
The previously annoying and persistent chirping of birds were music to your ears.

It was beautiful.

However, when you were blind with happiness...

You bumped into someone. made the dumbest mistake ever...

"(Y/n)?" ran in the direction of the grocery store.

Yandere! Older brother × Female! reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now