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"Go die!"

"Larry is real!"

"Eleanor is a beard!"

These are the things I hear every single day, everywhere. Louis snuggled me into his side, trying to hide me from the fans. I smiled at him. As we made our way to the hotel, one of the fans got the courage to stick her foot and trip me, causing me to fall flat on my face. I scrunched my face up in effort to not cry of embarrassment, but failing. Louis helped me up and as soon as I was standing up, I ran inside trying to get away from the overly obsessed fans. I turned back as soon as I realized Louis wasn't behind me.

That's when I realized he was yelling at all of the fans and flipping off the cameras. There was no more screaming of the fans, there was just silence and Louis' yelling. Louis doesn't really care what happens to his career, he's just happy he got to live out his dream for awhile. Louis then runs back inside after his rant. He wrapped his arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him. I looked up at him smiling.

 "I love you Louis." I said still looking at his perfectly sculptured face.

"I love you too Ellie." He replied with his frown turning into a smile as he looks at me. He pecked my lips and we walked to the elevator.

When we got to our floor, we walked out hopping not to get mobbed by fans. When one of the security gaurds guided us out of the elevator, Louis and I began running from them, laughing, to our room. They never chase after us or get us into trouble, but we do it because it's fun.

Louis slams the door shut and we lean against it laughing.

"So what do you want to do now?" He asks cheekily as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Sleep." I reply as I get up and look for my pajamas.

"Sleep? It's barely 6." Louis asks, confused. I nod my head and begin to slip out of my clothes and into my pj's. I jump on the bed causing a huge ruckus. I pull the comforter over my head and close my eyes.

"Okay. I'm going out with the lads."

I soon hear the door shut and I scramble out of the bed. I turn on the laptop that's sitting on the desk. I log into my Twitter and whats trending is none other than 'Larry.' I start to feel tears in my eyes. I don't get why people think I'm a fake, or have twins, or even think I'm being payed by Modest! to date Louis. Another one of the trends is 'Louannah.' This one really gets to me. I start to sob. Most of the fans that ship Larry, also ship Louannah. I don't get what i ever did.

If Louis was never famous, everything would go great. There would be no Louannah or Larry shippers. There wouldn't be any fans trying to kill me every where I turn. And there wouldn't be any marks or bruises on my body causes by the fans. This is my one wish. To finally have privacy with Louis.

I hear the door handle wiggle as if someone was putting the key in it. I quickly shut off the computer and closed it and jumped into the bed. I pulled the duvet over my head and wiped my now dry tears.

I heard Louis' feet shuffle across the floor and then he finally climbed into bed with me. He wrapped his arms arond my waist and pulled me closer. I smiled faintly before drifting off into sleep.

I wish.

So that was my new story! I hope everyone likes it! I will also be posting another chapter tomorrow.



I Wish // Elounor // LouannahWhere stories live. Discover now