Chapter 2.

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I stood outside of the bus with my luggage, looking off into the distance so that I wouldn't feel lonely. It felt like hours had passed that I was standing outside of the bus. Pretty much nothing mattered but seeing Louis. I looked at the ground with a smile on my face. Everything was perfect about him.

"El!" Rebekah called motioning me to enter the bus. I dragged my suitecase to the bus along with my feet. I wasn't really well dressed as I looked around at the other people's clothing. They were all dressed nice with casual clothes and sneakers while I was dressed in unmatching pajamas, my old fuzzy bunny slippers. and puffy red eyes from crying all weekend. I took a seat near the back and sat by the window. Now would probably be a good time for sleep.

"Eleanor! Wake up, we're here!" Rebekah said waking me up. My eyes and mouth were still a bit groggy but I could make out all the familiar places. All the students stared in awe as if they had never been outside of Manchester. I blinked my eyes a couple of times so that I couldn't see the bursts of color. I stood up and stretched, yelling out a little yelp as I did so. I walked out of the bus to retrieve my bags.

"Here you go." Rebekah said as she handed me my bags. I smiled a 'Thank You' smile, while not wanting to talk because I had morning breath. We walked into a nice hotel that looked very expensive. We sat on the couches, love-seats, and the floor while our professor checked us in. Rebekah came and sat next to me on the floor. I'm glad I told Bekah. So far, she's the only one I can trust. I laid my head in the crook of  my neck and closed my eyes.

"El wake up, the professor checked us in." Wow. Did I really fall asleep? I nodded my head again and we walked to the elevator. As soon as we were inside, I saw that we were the only people left in the lobby except for the bell boy and the concierge. It was pretty dark outside, and when we arrived, it was already sundown. Rebekah pressed the ninth floor button and the elvator started moving pretty quick. The elevator bell rang and the elevator finally came to our floor. Bekah looked like she was about to pass out, and she pretty much looked drunk. She slid one of the door keys into the slot and the door unclocked.

"Goodnight El." Rebekah said as she jumped on top of the bed and didn't bother to change. I went to the restroom and brushed my teeth. I changed and did the same as Rebekah. I jumped on the bed. Except I didn't sleep right away. I was thinking about Louis and how he used to cuddle with me when I felt sad. Used to. I got up and pulled my phone out of my purse. I jumped back into bed and lowered the brightness to not hurt my eyes. I clicked the Contacts icon to see if I still had at least someone. This was my old phone and all. 

Everything looked the same until I got to the H's

Harry Styles

My eyes widened. I quickly scrolled to the L's. I saw Liam's name, then Louis. I silently thanked God and my eyes were already feeling watery. I clicked the contact as fast as I could. The after a couple of seconds, I heard the ringing. Then the ringing stopped.

"Hello?" A voice came from the other line.

"Lou! I miss you so much!" I didn't bother to wipe the tears that were falling from my face.

"I'm just playin'! I'm not here so leave a message!" My head dropped. Of course he wouldn't answer. I cried even harder. I didn't know that was even possible. I turned off my phone and restrained myself  from throwing it. Instead, I just dropped in on the ground. I crawled up into a little ball and tried falling asleep no matter how hard it was gonna be. 

Louis' POV

I lied in bed thinking about the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She was wearing no makeup and looked like she had just gotten up from sleeping, but she was still gorgeous. Even those pajamas and bunny slippers were cute on her. Even though I saw her hours ago, I just couldn't stop thinking about the girl with the wavy hair that didn't even try to be beautiful. 

My phone began ringing. I'll just let it go to the machine. It's not like it's so important that they had to call me in the middle of the night. Oh well. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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