Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Copyright © Gem Higa 2011

Her father never kept secrets from her.

After her inquiry was dismissed, Eli had excused himself and muttered something about an unexpected council meeting. He knew better than to ask if she would be alright. He grabbed his pack from the table and headed out the door without another word.

She sat in silence for an hour trying to clear her mind. She looked around her sparse room. There was a work table with a few weapons she had been tinkering with and a chair she had built herself. A few articles of clothing hung on a wooden rack next to her practice sword and a few arrows. The room wasn't much, but it was her own space.

The pain in her head had subsided to a dull ache. She would just have to work with it. The cool floorboards eased the tiredness of her feet as she stood, while the open window provided a light breeze.

Most her hunting clothes had been kept on, save for her leather vest. She pulled it from the rack and tied the garment together to fit her body snugly. Her boots sat next to the bed post as she grabbed and put them on. Her pack was missing. It wasn't at its usual spot hanging from chair.

Her father must have placed it somewhere after rushing home. She stormed around the house, anger and annoyance at her father's lies fueling her. She wasn't proud of her behavior, but damn him for thinking he could leave without telling her the truth.

Secrets kill relationships.

Eli and Leiv lived in a common single level house, though bigger in contrast to a mere villager's home. High-class citizens lived closer to the castle and inhabited lavish and extensive homes. Her father, on the other hand believed in simplicity and only acquiring merely what was needed. He chose to have a home away from the inner royal circle. He was among the King's council: his stipend however, was larger than what twenty knights combined were receiving. The king paid well for loyalty and those near to the throne. His position put him close to the king, and on equal ground with the rest of the council during meetings. The king, prince, three guild leaders and the huntsman completed the council.

The first guild was composed of Wics, often referred to as mages who had access to magical abilities. The Scrolls recorded all the prophecies and texts of the ages. They had undeniably strong memories. Emissaries were sent beyond the borders. They travelled to other lands, and dealt with villages and neighboring kingdoms during negotiations.

Her father was part of the Devereux legacy of Huntsmen. They were also known as The King's Blade. There was only ever a single blade at a time. The king would never permit such skills to be wielded by so many. Blades were determined by heirs or bloodline. Eli's father trained him as he made trips back and forth from the kingdom to their village. When his father had passed, Eli took his seat on the council.

The moment Leiv was strong enough to hold up a bow, she began training for the same position. She would become the first huntress the kingdom has ever had.

Leiv had dug through every chest and even checked their small armory hidden behind the wardrobe. The trunk near the back door had crossed her mind, but it only kept some of Eli's more personal belongings. It was rarely opened.

There was nowhere else to look but there. Her father always stressed on having her pack ready and on hand. It was essential on a hunt. She couldn't leave without it.

She walked over to the trunk and unlatched it. Her pack and daggers laid on top of Margo's folded quilt. Eli's late wife, she was told, was beautiful and her knitting skills were no match. Judging from the embroidered cloth, they were right.

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