I only rant here cause none of my friends follow me

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I like to think that I'm somewhat nice. Like, a friend needs a ride, I'll beg my mum to say yes cause they are my friends, right? And if they need something I might be generous and give them it like food or money. BUT, whenever I need a ride or some shit, all my friends think it's cool not to go with the promise or JSUT FUCKING say so. Yesterday, I was suppose to o to a concert of one of my favorite bands. But my mum couldn't take me and my friend so she asked her mum m and she said yes. That was a couple months ago. So, yesterday was the concert, but then my friends mom said she couldn't take us. I missed my favorite band because of a FUCKING ride. And my mum wasn't actually busy that day, she was FUCKING lazy. So I'm extremely pissed. And today, my mum is going to some stupid church thing but they is a basketball game that a lot of my fiends were going to, so I asked them for rides. The girl that was suppose to take me said her dad said no, that was today, the day of the fucking game. So I rushed his morning and asked 5+ friends, and either they Weren'tgoing or they made a damn excuse. My favorite is "sorry, my parents aren't here so I can't call them".....I get it you fucking hate me but at least make a good excuse you fucking cunt. I'm actually so done

My mum didn't even go to the church thing. And I absolutely hate staying in on Friday's, it makes me really depressed. And supposedly, my crush was gonna be at the basketball game and we don't have any classes together so of course I wanted to see him there so we could talk but nooooo!

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