Scott! No!

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Nice to meet you Bambi

   So who are you exactly and what do you want, I asked while pouring myself a cup of tea.
  Actually I'm your new neighbor,i'm not sure if it's temporary or permanent.
I'm on break in school and I thought It would be a good idea to come surprise my boyfriend,and i need you to help me find him
   Adriana said the words boyfriend like he was Prince Charming, she was obviously head over heels.
  Awwwn that's so sweet, i can tell you are crazy about him, i said with a melted heart.
  I am a sucker for romance
     I spent most of my time on Netflix watching romantic movies and crying over the little heartbreaks in every scene.
  I don't believe in happy endings and magical fantasies about life neither do I believe in tragic endings.
   Too me,life is just a car ride from a complete stranger, you never know where it could take you, but so far my life has been a bitter sweet ride.

   i have had my heartbroken a lot.
i don't know why i always end up with the fuckboys who can't keep their pants up.
   i had made a rule to never ever have a boyfriend ever again but i see another boy and just like that "vow broken".
   i can't take another shot to the heart,  i would be damned to let another boy screw me over, that's why i have Scott, my soul mate.
  I don't know what I'll do without him and i know he feels the same way, he talks about children,a family and marriage all the time even though he has never actually proposed.
     I know we are made for each other
I smiled looking at the promise ring he had given me on our second anniversary.
  so i see i am not the only love sick puppy Adriana interrupted my thoughts while making a pouty lips.
  i guess so, love is a beautiful thing you know, i spoke the words ever so softly while wiping a single tear drop away.
  we talked for hours, about movies, music, life itself, the past, present and the future.

  I couldn't believe i bonded with a complete stranger in one day, i guess you could say i felt a connection.
  I need you to help me out, the estate is huge, I couldn't possibly find him on my own. i want to surprise him this weekend and I don't even know where he lives.
  Adriana begged me with pleading eyes

   sure i got nothing to do anyways
whats his name,that should help, i replied excited to find the lucky guy dating this princess right in front of me.
   uhm yea sure his name is Scott,
Scott Darlington.
  I opened my mouth but no words came out but my eyes told it all.... Scott!!

      oh my gosh Scott No!
what do you think about Bambi nd Adriana's new friendship, do u think it'll be ruined.. Is Scott rilly Adriana's boyfriend.. find out soon

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