song 1

90 3 6

Hey girl, I can see you I can see you
Between that forest of buildings
Hey girl, I'm getting dopey getting dopey
Like being punched
It's too strong, To the right
Can you believe this? To the left
Hey girl My heart, this heartbeating
I can't control

I don't know how to push and pull
But I know I like you
I can't miss you
You make my heart beats and make me beat my chest

Like a gorilla like a gorilla
like a gorilla like a gorilla
You got got me like a gorilla
like a gorilla
Like a gorilla gorilla

Hey girl, Adrenaline
I was born with speed
I have really great agility
If the timing is coming

It's perfect, To the right to the left
From the body proportion to the shadow
Those are all my style
When I see you there'll be a earthquake in my eyes
Like boom boom boom

I don't know how to push and pull But I know I like you
I can't miss you
You make my heart beats and make me beat my chest

Like a gorilla like a gorilla
like a gorilla like a gorilla
You got got me like a gorilla
like a gorilla
Like a gorilla gorilla

I'm a King Kong not a ridiculous monkey
I don't want to see that cowards
There's no movement before I came here
But now it moves like a clock, Tic toc

Everyone wants to follow me Like a strawberry
Anyway the victory is mine, I'm a strong baby
You're falling in me, You're so lovely
I'll do anything, My republic

Is that a curiosity on your face
I want to know more about that
I don't know about sequences
But I know you're pretty, I Know
I can't miss you
You make my heart beats and make me beat my chest

Like a gorilla like a gorilla
like a gorilla like a gorilla
You got got me like a gorilla
like a gorilla

Now I'm banging on
my banging on my chest

Oh yeah like a gorilla like a gorilla
Girl you make me feel like a gorilla
like a gorilla
You got got me like a gorilla
like a gorilla Like a gorilla gorilla



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