First Incentive

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  It has been three days and nothing has happened. No murders, no deaths, nothing. Monokuma showed up in the cafeteria. "Why hasn't there been any murders? I don't understand. How hard can it be to kill someone?" Naegi spoke up "there's no way in hell we'll kill each other! No matter what you say we won't murder each other!" "That's it! We got the right mood, the right atmosphere. But not the final ingredient!" "Which is?" "A incentive. Laddies, and gentleman please report to the AV room I got a special surprise."

  What could it be? We all did what we were told we headed to the AV room. We saw a box full of CD's each one had our names on it. I found mine and headed to a monitor and put in the CD. At first nothing but a black screen then suddenly. I saw a video I think that's me. I'm with my mother. We were all happy but then. Things changed there was blood. Not my blood but my mother's. Everything was red. Why don't I remember any of this? It's not real if I don't remember it. I kept telling that to myself. Eventually I believed that it's not real.

  But Sayaka screamed. "No why did this happen? A kid shouldn't have to make this choice." Naegi in a shaky voice said "Sy-Sayaka? What did you see?" Monokuma showed up on the monitor in front of us all. "Upupupupupu." "What are getting out of this?" Kirigiri asked Monokuma. "Isn't it obvious my payoff is your despair." Sayaka yelled "No!" She ran off Naegi followed her.

  What is this? This is no longer the reality I use to know. Everything is different now. My memory is also gone. Is this Monokuma's doing as well? We all went our own way. I went back to my dorm. I couldn't sleep I stared blankly at the ceiling. I looked at my clock almost time to sleep.

  But I'm not tired everything is weird. But I didn't explore my room yet. I should had last night but I was tired than. Ok I found a note on the wall. Only the girls showers have locks. The women get a sewing kit and a puncture plate book on the human body. For the men a tool kit. Also the keys have our names on them and only lock or unlock our doors. Try not to lose them. I feel tired just by reading this then... "Attention, attention night time is now in effect. The cafeteria is now off limits. So please return to your dorms." Night time is in effect. I better get some sleep. I collapsed on my bed and within minutes I fell in a deep sleep.

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