The trip

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"How much did you get on the exam?" Ken asked. "18" replied Hongbin. "Waw how do you managed to get such a big score? Most people in the class had between 10 and 15. The exam was super difficult, I'm glad I had a 12, "Ken said. Hakyeon listened to his friends chatting on the bus. He felt embarrassed at not being able to help them. He too was meant to get a 10 or less. He had studied a lot but he still could not fully understand the material. In addition, their teacher was known for asking difficult exam questions. He had panicked throughout the week believing he would fail his examination. He had then fallen on Leo, who had offered him the greatest gift. He had explained to him the essential points to be studied. Hakyeon had not had time to discuss it with his friends, but thanks to Leo's help he had finished with a 15 in his exam. He had to thank him. He thought he could enjoy the bus trip by talking to Leo and thank him. But, unfortunately, they did not share the same bus. After the exams, the third-year students had organized an outing to help first-year students to relax. Hakyeon thought he'd enjoy spending more time with Leo, but he did not share the same bus as Leo. Sure, he was happy to be with his friends. He only missed Leo's presence to be full happy. He would not have to worry too that other people would take him, like that Sora who is with him all the time. Hakyeon closed his eyes and tried to calm down. He did not really know what to do. Leo was still distant and cold with him. Sure, from time to time he agreed to stay with him, but he always ended up leaving to join his friends. He had told him something. Leo had told him that he did not want to be his friend. Hakyeon was not ready to accept this reality. "Did you hear me?" Said a voice that brought Hakyeon back into reality. "What's Ken?" Hakyeon asked. "Do you think the place is going to be beautiful and that we can have fun?" Said Ken. "It's the third year that organizes so I guess we're going to have a lot of partying," Hakyeon replied. Ken and Hongbin seemed happy. At least they are happy, Hakyeon said to himself. He too was going to forget the whole story with Leo and was trying to have fun. He had suffered since he entered his new university. He deserved to change his mind.

Leo and his group had fought hard to get this out. They would take advantage of it to get to know first-year students better and also to help them evacuate the stress of studies. He was glad that everything had gone well. They had managed to find a nice cheap place next to the sea. They had a budget to buy food and especially buy beer to party. Besides, speaking of beer, he had to go for it because there was not much left. He watched people still having fun and his eyes began to look for a particular person in the crowd. He had not seen him since the beginning of their journey. He had seen him with his friends, and then he had not seen him again because he was not on his bus. Nor did he see him among the people present at the party. Was he  sick? He had spent a hard week. Leo shrugged. Why was he worried about this man? Everyone made his life as he wished, he said to himself. He went to the kitchen of the house they had rented. The boxes of beer were stowed near the fridge, he should be able to find them easily. He entered the kitchen and his eyes were attracted by a couple who was kissing. It was to be expected in this kind of evening where several couples formed. "Excuse me, I'm just passing," Leo said, trying to get around the couple. The man separated from the woman and Leo was shocked. It was him. Why always him? Why did his chest suddenly hurt him ? He tried to say something but everything blended in his head. Why ? He wondered. "Leo ... Leo," the man began. Leo did not give him time to talk and quickly left the room. He felt stifled, he had to go out, go far, far from this man, far from this pain.

Hakyeon ran behind Leo. No, this girl was nobody. But then why did he feel like a shit? He felt like he had betrayed Leo. Yet it was not he who had begun. This girl had followed him all the evening and she had succeeded in isolating him in the kitchen. The rest ? It was because he'd been an idiot. He was an idiot who had let a girl kiss him in the presence of the man he coveted. And now Leo had to hate him, or worse, take him for a liar. He must have believed that all the words he had spoken to him were nothing but lies. He had to catch up with him quickly, or else he would risk losing him forever. Hakyeon ran as fast as he could. He caught up with Leo on the way to the sea. "Leo wait," he shouted. No answer. He ran to him and grabbed his arm. Leo shouted violently. "What do you want?" Leo asked coldly. Hakyeon could only shake his head. He felt desperate. "No, that's not what you think. This girl and I ... no there's nothing between us, "Hakyeon said. " So what ? How your relationships have to do with me? You're free to make your life, just as I'm free to do mine, "Leo said. "Leo, it's you I want," said Hakyeon. "Sorry, I told you before. You and I can not be together. Nothing can happen between us. Now leave me alone, I need air, "Leo said, continuing his way. Hakyeon watched him go with a strained heart. He was in pain. So bad. He had just lost Leo.

Leo threw himself to the ground and wept all the tears in his body. How did it happen? This man was no one for him, so why was he so ill? His mind kept seeing the lips of Hakyeon stuck to those of a young woman. He resented him for lying to him. But could he really blame him? He hardly knew this person, and they had promised nothing to each other. He had no right to be angry with him. Still, it was so bad. He felt a hand resting on his back. Not him, he thought. He does not want to talk to him or see him. He wanted to be alone. "Do you like him so much?" Asked the voice of a woman. Leo raised his head and saw Sora sit by his side. He took her in his arms and continued to cry.

"Are you going to tell him?" Sora asked. "Tell him what?" Leo replied. "Tell him that you love him," Sora said. " I do not like him ». Leo replied. " Lie. I've never seen you cry so much for anyone. You love Cha Hakyeon, "Sora says. "I do not know," Leo replied. "So what do you know?" Said Sora. Leo took the time to think before answering his friend. "I know it hurt to see him with someone else. I know I appreciate his presence, and that even when he is not beside me, I think of him, "Leo said. "It's called love," Sora said. "I'm not in love," Leo insisted. Sora shook her head. His friend was a mulehead. She will have to let time do his magic. Soon he will find that he can not live without this Cha Hakyeon, she said to herself. "It's in his interest to  take good care of you, otherwise I'll kill him," Sora said. Leo burst out laughing. "Do not worry, you will not lose me. I love you, you know, "Leo said. "I love you too," replied Sora, stroking his hair.

"Are you having fun?" A hoarse voice asked. Ken turned and blushed. Leo's friend who called himself Ravi was in front of him. He was accompanied by another third-year student, whom Ken had often seen at meetings of the General Assembly. "Uh ... yeah," Ken said, blushing even more. " Can i introduce one of my friends ? His name is Hyuk, and who is this handsome boy next to you? » Ravi asked. "I'm Hongbin," said Hongbin. "Pleased to know you," said Ravi and Hyuk. "There's been a lot of noises going on this evening, do you want us to go outside?" Ravi asked. "With pleasure," Ken replied, opening the way. The four men left the room and took advantage of the outside air. They spent the rest of the night chatting and drinking.

Hakyeon could not sleep all night. He felt ashamed. Was Leo going to forgive him? He had spent the night wondering how to be forgiven. In the morning he had joined his friends with a frightful head. " What happen to you ? » Asked Hongbin. Hakyeon did not take the time to reply. He got on the return bus. He just wanted to go home and get under the blankets. He felt unhappy. As soon as he got on the bus, his eyes met Leo's eyes. Would they make the way back in the same bus? Hakyeon did not feel ready to face him. He was afraid of his reaction. Yet as he approached Leo's chair, Hakyeon could not move forward. He had to talk to him. He motioned to his friends to find another place and Hakyeon sat down next to Leo. He was expecting him to scream and insult him, but Leo did not move from his chair. On the contrary, he did everything to ignore him. Hakyeon tried to speak to him, but before he could say a word, Leo interrupted him. "I do not want to hear anything," Leo said. He seemed more tired than angry, Hakyeon noted. He still breathed the word " sorry " to Leo. He had no answer. The way back was calm. Hakyeon had tried to disrupt Leo, the latter remained calm and did not pay attention to him. At the end of his resources, Hakyeon felt tireness take possession of him and he sank into sleep. When he opened his eyes, they were still on the bus and Hakyeon's head rested on Leo's shoulder. Hakyeon could not believe in his luck. After everything that happened last night, Leo had not rejected him. He had allowed him to rest on his shoulder. Had he forgiven him ? Hakyeon's heart began to beat in his chest. He may have had a second chance. He had to be sure. He leaned closer to Leo and put his head in the hollow of his neck. No reaction from Leo. Then Hakyeon slipped his hand into his and intertwined their fingers. In shock, Leo looked him in the eye. Hakyeon stopped breathing. It was now or never. Would Leo forgive him? Would he accept him ? He was afraid of receiving a rejection. Hakyeon prayed deep inside him that Leo would accept him. His wishes were exalted because Leo let him do it. Hakyeon could not hide his joy. He had just made a great step in the conquest of the man he loved.

Hello my fireflies. Neo advances. How do you find the story so far? I am waiting for your comments and votes. lots of love

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