Chapter 1: New York Never Rests

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"Anne!!!!" called my mom. "Yes mom" "You have to get ready for dance class" she said. "Ok" was all I said as I shut my bedroom door. "Ok" I thought to myself "Time to choose an outfit." First, I walked over to my iPhone and started playing music. The first song to come on was In My Head by Jason Derulo. I went into my walk-in-closet to choose out an outfit. I decided on a navy-blue pair of leggings, a tan-colored blouse that said "NEW YORK NEVER RESTS" in big, red letters, and my favorite pair of hightops that were white and had gold studs on them. I decided to just leave my curly brown hair down. My hair is dip-dyed red and orange and I love it. I got a text from my dance-friend Lizzie that I met two year ago. (L represents Lizzie and A represents Anne)
L: You coming to dance tonight?
A: Yep be there in 10 minutes.
L: Ok hurry up Ms. Sam says we are getting special visitors that are going to observe us.
A: Really? I wonder who it is.
L: Me too. I gotta go see you in a little bit
A: See you in a few minutes. Bye.

"Mom, lets go!!!" I called. "Coming" she replied as she walked into the entry-hall where I was waiting. My mom has long,blonde, straight hair so I have no idea where I got my long, brown, curly hair from. My mom said its from my dad but I don't know if that's true because my dad supposedly died his hair black when I was a baby. "Ready?" she asked with a warm smile. "Yeah" I replied blankly. "Well someone's angry" said my mom as we were getting into the car. "Sorry mom it's just we are being observed by these mystery guests today and I am a little nervous" I apologized. "Why you are an amazing dancer" she questioned. "Yeah but still..." I replied turning my head to look out the car window. I turned on the radio to hear my favorite song Over My Head by The Fray. I like that song because it is so nicely written. "EVERYONE KNOWS I'M OVER MY HEAD, OVER MY HEAD!!!" I screamed/sang causing my mom to laugh. After the song was over we pulled up to my dance school. "Bye mom" I said to my mom. "Bye honey, I will be here at 6:00 to pick you up" "ok" I replied as I shut the car door. "Time to meet this mystery-guest" I mumbled to myself as I entered my dance school.

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