Chapter 26: The Van

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Me, Felix and OG were hiding behind a little castle in the laser tag maze. "I hear someone!" OG whispered. "Its Oscar!" Felix said. "Is he alone?" I asked. "Yes" OG said and I was about to get up to attack but Felix scream/whispered "Wait!" "What?" I asked as I turned to face him. "It could be a trap. They could be using Oscar as bait and when you jump out they will all come out and get you" he said. "Oh then just climb over the wall and stay at the top and shoot if you see them" I said and jumped over the wall. I walked very quietly over to Oscar. "Hello" I said. "Shoot well Anne sorry I have to do this... GUYS SHE'S HERE!!" he screamed. Just then, 3 other people came out from behind the wall of another castle. They were waking really slowly like they were trying to scare me. "Well well well" said Omar in a mischievous tone. "Where are the others?" asked Lizzie copying Omar's tone. "They aren't here we split up" I relied. "Uh huh sure where are they" said Ethan. "They.Aren't.Here" I said in a firm tone. "Well then we will capture you and they will have to rescue you" said Lizzie in that same mischievous voice. Just then Felix and OG jumped over the wall and got Ethan and Omar. "IT'S ON!" screamed OG. I took my laser gun and shot Oscar in the back. "Oh c'mon" he complained. "Where's Lizzie?" asked Felix. "Oh shoot I forgot. Lizzie is amazing at this game" I said. Just then, I spotted Lizzie stuck on a wall and I shot her. Her vest beeped as she screamed "Dang it!". We laughed and helped her get off the wall. We headed over to the check in desk and gave the laser tag stuff back and got our stuff. We went to the snack stand and got some food. Lizzie got a snow-cone, Ethan got a hot dog, Oscar got a big chocolate-chip cookie, Felix got popcorn, Omar got cotton candy, OG got a chocolate milkshake and I got a vanilla milkshake. We decided to just eat while we walked back to the studio because it was already dark. We walked out the door and immediately started talking and laughing. We were about 10 blocks away from the building we just left and were still laughing. Perhaps that's why we didn't see the black van pull up behind us. Five men with ski masks came out and one put Oscar and Felix in a head lock, the other had Omar and Oscar and the other had Ethan. "Get in the car" one said to me and Lizzie. He was really tall and very muscular. "No" said Lizzie. "Shush Lizzie" I whispered. "Oh we have a fighter. Fighters don't last very long" he said in a disgusting voice. "W-what d-do you m-mean?" she asked him. He just laughed and grabbed her. "NO!" I screamed and lunged at him. "Oohhh we have another fighter" he said and chuckled. "Yes that's correct" I replied. "Get Tom" he said to the man holding Ethan in a headlock. The other man nodded and pulled a very confused Ethan to the van. He spoke into the car and five seconds later a very tall, muscular man came out. He made the one holding Lizzie look like a twig. This isn't going to be easy. The man came strolling towards me and once he was a foot away, he lunged at me. He threw a punch and I ducked. I stood up straight and punched him right in the face. He stumbled back because of the shock. "I'm so sorry" he said as he tried to kick my feet from under me. I jumped and kicked. My foot hit him in the jaw and he fell to the ground. "I'm not" I said as I looked at the unconscious man who lay at my feet. Next I lunged at the guy holding Lizzie and attacked. I tackled him to the ground and punched him in the nose. The man holding Omar and Oscar tied them up and came over to help his partner in crime. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up. I kicked and scratched but it was no use. He was leading me closer and closer to the van until his loud footsteps (he was heavier than the others) stopped and I heard a thud. I turned around and there stood an angry OG with his hands balled into fists and the man leading me to the van lay unconscious at his feet."Anne! C'mon lets get out of here!" he screamed. I looked to see Ethan and Felix helping Oscar and Omar get out of the ropes that were tightly tied around them. Once they were free, Omar and Oscar ran to the two guys holding Lizzie and tackled them. I couldn't see exactly what happened but I did see Felix pull Lizzie away from the action. After a while, Oscar and Omar got up and I looked over to the two guys and they were both unconscious and bleeding. We remembered the guy driving the van and Felix and Ethan ran to the van. They came out moments later dragging an unconscious man behind them. We called the police and they told us that these guys are a group of kidnappers that they have been hunting down for two years. They drove us all to my house and left. We walked in and decided to just watch some television to get our mind off that horrible experience.

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