The New Kid on the Block

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"I swear Marilyn. Sometimes I just wonder how we are best friends."

"Really Juiles? Are you seriously asking me how we are friends?! I've known you since we were in freakin' diapers!"

"Shesh girl.... settle down. I was kidding. I've just never seen you like this before, and over someone as disgusting as Blake."

I swear... she'll never get it. Juiles can have any boy she wants. She's beautiful and yet she's still friends with me. She could have any boy in the school. With the snap of her fingers she could have a whole new best friend and a shiny new boy toy to go along with it.

"Juiles, you don't get it. Do you?" I didn't even have to wait for her to answer. I already knew the answer. "Blake actually looked at me and it wasn't over me to see you either. He looked right at me, into my eyes. He saw me.... not the pretty girl next to me."

"Come on Marilyn, how many times do I have to tell you that you're beautiful?"

"Oh, so you mean the countless number of times you invited me over for a sleepover and then tried waxing my eyebrows while I was sleeping is you telling me I'm beautiful?"

"I was just trying to give them a little shape for you! You don't actually think I look the way I look every time I wake up, do you?"

"Well... I mean... yeah kind of...yeah."

With the little fight Juiles and I were having, I didn't notice Blake walk up to us.

"Hey, do you know where to find the office from here?"

I didn't speak, because I thought he was talking to Juiles. He just stared at me, waiting. Juiles had to basically punch my back in order for me to understand that he was asking ME, not her.

"Oh uhhh yeahh... whaa .... I'm sorryy.... wha... uhhh...."

"Hi I apologize for Marilyn. She skipped her coffee this morning. You know how girls can be when they miss their white mocha espresso."

"Yeahhhh...... So where's the office?"

"Oh silly me, I'm Julianna, but every one calls me Juiles. AND this pretty little lady is my best friend Marilyn."

He's looking at me again. That's twice in one day, one hour! Oh my.... I think I'm going to hyperventilate.

"Hi, I'm Blake and the office is...."

"Oh yeah! Straight down the hallway, turn left and it's the room at the very end!"


As he walked out I could've sworn I saw him look at me again. I was just thinking about our future together when I sharp blow him me cheek.

"Ouch Juiles! What was that for!?"

"Are you kidding me Marilyn. He asked you a question and you couldn't even answer it! You've got it bad."

"I do not! I've just never met anyone who looked at me two, possibly three, times in one hour."

"You counted the times you looked at him... that's almost creepy Marilyn."

"Oh my gosh Juiles.... I might actually like him. What do I do? This has never happened before."

"Ok first off, after school today. We're going to the mall. You need a make-over."

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