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Please no hate. This is my first story and I'm not really sure where it's going to go from here. Enjoy and read on! I appreciate comments and likes! Can't really tell you when updates will be, school always comes first for me. Sorry.


I pulled the box out from under my bed and hugged the gift I knew I could never except. I hated him and he hated me. Why couldn't things just go back to normal between us? It was so much easier then.

If life was that sympathetic and enjoyable I would have a friggin' unicorn that farts rainbows.

Blake was a douche, pardon my French, and I was naïve. Simple as that. He messed up and I didn't even care. He ruined our relationship and I wanted it to still be together.

If it wasn't for that tiny thread of hurt that was keeping me from him, I would've hugged that little monkey until the stuffing came out of it, but I can't and I know it. I just don't want to accept it.

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