What the....

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"What in the world is that Juiles!?!?!"

"It's a push-up bra. Come on don't tell me you've never seen one?"

"But what's all that stuffing in it??"

"It's called padding. Now go in there and try it on."

She's kind of pushy today... I mean she literally threw the....bra.... at me and pulled me into the changing room.

I went in and and tried it on. But only because she was getting really impatient and starting to push me again. Why do I even go out into the public with this girl....

"Are you done yet?!"

Shoot, I forgot she was waiting for me to come out.

"Juiles? How do you hook this blasted thing on? You can't even see it!"

"Seriously Marilyn, it's like you've never worn a bra before!"

I have too worn a bra before!... a sports bra.

"It's just been awhile, that's it. Wait... I think I got it. Yup, I got it."

You know, it's really not that bad... Wait did I just think that? Eww yes it's bad! I'm a tomboy, I'm not supposed to like these things!

"Are you going to come out or not?"

Ohh yeah, Juiles is still out there. "Just a minute!" I quickly put my sweatshirt over the new bra and came out.

"I can't even tell if it fits you right with that pillowcase of a top."


"Here put this on."

She's a little pushy today... I went back into the dressing room before she could throw anything else at me. Taking my shirt off I put this tiny thing, that shouldn't even pass as a shirt, on. You could see my bones through this thing! There's no way I'm getting out of this room with this shirt on. It doesn't even cover my whole stomach!

"Any day now!"

Shoot, she's getting pissed off now.

"I'm not coming out with this shirt on"

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"Juiles, it doesn't even cover my stomach!"

"It's not supposed to. Ever heard of a crop top? Come on Marilyn, live a little!"

I have to come out I know I do...  she'll never let me forget if I don't come out.

"Oh my wowza Marilyn! You look hot!"

I really hope I'm not blushing right now....

"Uhhhh thanks... I think... Is my skin supposed to be this....... exposed?"

"Yup! That's just the beauty of a crop top! And btw that bra is doing wonders for you!"

I hate it when she goes all text talk on me...

"So are you going to get that? You should like totes get it! It looks perf on you!"

Ok, now she's just doing this to annoy me. She knows how I feel about her stupid text talk.

"Yellloooowww earth to Marilyn! Any one home?"

Did she really just knock on my head? Oh my gosh.... she did. She is! She's pounding those boney knuckles on my soft little fragile head.

"You can stop any time now..."

I went back into the changing room and quickly put COMFORTABLE clothes on. Unfortunately I know for a fact that Juiles is going to make me buy the bra and shirt whether I want them or not, and it's definitely not!...I'm never going to wear them.... Why should I buy something I won't wear?

"So are you going to buy them?"

"Wait, I actually get a choice?"

"No, not really. I just thought it would be nice to ask."

"You suck, you know that right?"

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