Chapter Nine

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"Kat! Didn't I tell you to go stock the rope!?" I turn from the boxes I was unloading and see my boss Justin. He was always yelling at me for something I did or didn't do.

"Yes sir, but I was unloading these boxes you told Harper to do."

"Why would you being doing that if I told you to stock the damn rope?! Get to it!" I sigh and walk away from the boxes. He had to have liked something I've done because if he didn't he wouldn't have kept me working here for this long. I have been working at this hardware store for about three years and my other job teaching English to a french man who just moved here. 

I barely slept five hours a night and barely saw my four year old son. I felt guilty. But I wanted him to have the life I had growing up. He deserves it.

A few hours later I get off and head over to see Paul. He worked well with my schedule. I would send it to him every week to work out our own schedule for the week. I wouldn't know what I'd do without him. He gives me a lot of money teaching him English.

"Bonjour Kat!" I smile hugging Paul.

"Paul, English." He places his hand on his lips. I gotta say, he was pretty good looking. Tall but rather on the skinny side, had short hair but sometimes grew it out. His skin tone was just gorgeous, perfect mix of light an dark.

"Hello, how are you?" We walk into the local Library together. He held the door open for me.

"I'm tired but I am getting through my day. How are you?"

He struggled for a second before saying, "I am doing good."

We sit in the back where no one can hear us. It was easier for him. He would get nervous speaking around others. Even me, still. I yawn before pulling out some books.

"Okay, did you do your homework?"

"Qui," I give him a look. "Yes."

"Good. You really need to start speaking English to me so you can do better. You will be okay, your accent will always be there Paul" He nods.

"Can I ask you  question?" I look up then nod. "How is your french accent so good?"

"I am french Paul. My father was, he made my brother and I speak french in the house. He was doing what I am doing to you but the opposite way." He smiles listening to me.

"You're father is a good man. French isn't easy to learn."

"Yes, but you are doing so well."

"Thank you. Pretty soon you won't have to teach me."

"I know, I don't know what I'm going to do without you." We both laugh.


I unlock my back door at 11 at night. We barely used the front door. We felt more comfortable using the back. I noticed a plate of dinner out of the counter once I turned on the light. It was a cheeseburger with corn on the cob. I shook my head turning the light back off going into the only bathroom we had in the house. It was very small and very cheap. Two bed room, one bath, with a unfinished basement. But the basement was used to wash your clothes mainly.

I brush my teeth and take my make up off. I strip out of my clothes staying in my bra and panties. I throw my clothes in the dirty and headed to my room. I get to my dresser and toss on a white tank top after taking off my bra. My room was pretty dark.

I sit at the end of the bed so I could take off my socks but I felt a pair of lips on my back. I close my eyes starting to relax a bit. "Did you have a bad day?"

"Stressful." I could feel his lips travel to my neck. "I have the day off from both jobs tomorrow."

"Good. Now lets get you relaxed sweetheart." His voice was so intoxicating. He pulled me to the top of the bed. His touch felt amazing and it really was relaxing.

My panties were taken off and without a minute to wait he dove in. I close my eyes moaning softly so I wouldn't wake up my son. Then again he was a very heavy sleeper. He grabs my hips tightly. He got on top of me, I felt his lips back onto my neck. I felt all of him at the same time. I dug my nails into his back while I moaned.

"Say my name." His breath was hot on my neck. He was thrusting forward slowly until I didn't answer him. He was moving harder.

"Josh.." I whisper in pleasure.


I wake up at 9:30 in the morning. The sun was shinning bright through my window. Then I realized I was running late to get my son to school.

"Shit!" I check my phone noticing Josh was gone. He sent me a text telling me he took him to school. It made me upset. This was the one time I got one on one time with him. I get dressed thinking about it.

Once I was done eating breakfast Josh came in through the back door and smiles. "Did you enjoy sleeping in?"

I lied, "Yes."

"Good. What do you want to do today." I shrug. He sat next to me on the couch. "We should go out to diner tonight."

"I want all three of us to go."

"I know. How about Fitziy's?"

I smile. I loved that diner. It was amazing. "That sounds great-" We hear a knock at the door, the front door. We both looked at each other.

"Stay here." I watched Josh head to the front door. I heard muffling but I couldn't make out what was being said. Josh came back speechless. I knit my eyebrows worried. 

"This is Max Johnson. Jackson's father.." My mouth drops a little while I saw him walk into the room. He was wearing a army uniform, a hat, with tan boots. I look at Josh not knowing what to say.


Sorry it's a short chapter! What do you think is going to happen?!


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