ch 5

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Warning: Contains gore if you have a weak stomach then skipped this chapter and wait till the next chapter is updated thank you

Yuka's POV

"Yuka! Wake up Yuka!" Someone yelled trying to wake me up, "5 more minutes big brother," I mumbled sleeply, "what? Yuka its Satsuki that is trying to wake you up, now wake up cause we're not at dq anymore and we're missing the others," Satsuki said, I quickly open my eyes when Satsuki said that we weren't at Kisagari Academy and that the others were missing. I looked around to see Satsuki and Riku who were only with me, I look more around my surroundings seeing that we weren't in Kisagari Academy but none other then Heavenly Host Elementry and that Rin and the others weren't in here with us. How did we get here?! I don't remember much of what happened earlier, but then I remebered that we did the charm that I didn't want nothing to do with. I never wanted to be here again. I know I'm gonna lose some of my friends, or maybe all of them. Or they may lose me and I may never see Satoshi and the others alive again. I felt unshed tears in my eyes as my vision got blurry from them, I felt someone embrace me in a warm hug and turned to see it was Riku. Riku smiled when I turned around and looked at him, "you okay Yuka?" He asked, "yeah I'm fine that's all," I lied whiping my tears out of my eyes, Riku smiled more and hugged me again, "don't worry Yuka, we'll figure away out of here, speaking of which were are we?" Riku asked, "I want to know the same thing," said Satsuki, "we're in Heavenly Host Elementry," I blurt out, Riku and Satsuki looked at me with wide eyes, "Yuka how do you know this place? Have you been here before?" Riku asked. I nodded and know I wish I would've been quite, "yes, my brother his friends and I did the charm and it brought us here, we've came back but we lost our friends to this school and the only ones who surivived was Satoshi, me and two other people," I said, Sasuki and Riku were quite for a little bit, when Satsuki was the first to speak up, "Yuka when did this happened?" she asked, "it happened 4 years ago," I said, "so how come you never told us?" Riku asked, "you guys wouldn't beilive me in the first place if I told you," I said, "Yuka, we would if you did," Satsuki said. I lower my head looking at, I felt like I wanted to cry knowing this was all my fault, I should have told them about the Sachiko charm that it was bad news but I didn't and was to late. Riku must've know what I was about to cause he came over to me and hugged me tightly, "Yuka don't cry okay, we know you were just protecting us from what happened to you before and its not your fault okay?" said Riku, Satsuki came over and hugged me, "yeah don't worry Yuka and plus we'll find our friends," Satsuki said, "I beilive that is not possible," a voice said, "huh? Who said that?" Riku asked, "I'm right behind you," the voice said. We turned around to see a small blue orb that was made out of blue flame, I knew it was ghost and it was a friendly one, "EEK!!! Its a ghost!" Satsuki screamed, "its okay Satsuki its a friendly one, we don't need to fear it," I said calming her down, "oh okay," Satsuki said calming down, "what do you mean it is not possible what are you talking about?" Riku asked, "he means that we are in the same school but we were in a different time and we can't see each other," I said remebering a differnt ghost told this to Satoshi and me when we first came here and were seperated from the others, "you know very well it seems that you have been here before?" The ghost asked me, I nodded, "yes but with different people," I said, "ah, that explains," the ghost said then he turned to Satsuki and Riku, "let her be your guide for that she knows this place," the thing said. Satsuki and Riku nodded, "now then I must go, listen to the girl very well, you may surivie this place," the ghost said before the spirit vanish, Riku spoke up, "wait before you go, how do we find our other friends?" Riku asked, "like I said, follow and listen to this girl she is your leader," it said and before I could object that, the ghost disappered. It was quite for about 10 minutes between us, I could tell Satsuki and Riku were shocked that they faced a ghost for the first time and they had no words for it and I couldn't blame them for it I knew how they feel of facing something that scary, Riku and Satsuki looked at me, before any of them could say anything, there was a high pitch scream. It made all of us jumped, "that was..." Satsuki said, "it was Mai," Riku said finishing Satsuki when she trailed off, "yeah it was," I said, "you two stay here, I'm going to check it out," Riku asked, "what? No you're not, we're both coming with you," I said, I was not letting Riku go out there by himself when there was ghost that wanted to kill anyone, or worse him running into Kizami and getting killed by him. "Riku we're coming with you, you can't go by yourself its way to dangerous," I said, "Yuka, I'll be fine, it will only take me a few minutes to see if it was Mai," Riku said, "but didn't you listen to the spirit? That all of our friends are here but in different times," Satsuki said, "yeah I know but I think that spirit is wrong, why would we all hear Mai scream" Riku said, "yeah but we all should go cause I know this place really cause I've been here," I said, "I know, but I want you guys to stay here cause I don't want you two to get hurt," Riku said. I was speechless on what he was saying he did care about us and he didn't want us to get hurt, before I could say anything more to stop Riku to go out there alone, "well before anyone argues I'll be going and I promise I'll come right back," Riku said and before I could argue again, Riku walked out of the room closing the door behind him, "Riku! Hey!" I yelled, but it was too late he was gone, "Yuka don't worry he said he'll come back don't worry," Satsuki said, "yeah but-," I got caught off by Satsuki said, "I said don't worry, Riku promised so lets stop worrying," Satsuki said, "fine," I said, "but if he doesn't come back alive, I warned you," I said, Satsuki nodded, we both sat down where the teacher podium was and both waited for Riku to come back.

Riku's POV

I walked out the classroom where Yuka and Satsuki stayed in, ignoring Yuka's yells telling me to stop and let her and Satsuki to go with me to find Mai, I closed the door and looked to see what classroom number where we were in, 2-A good so now I won't get lost and have Yuka get worried, I sighed and started to walk to go find Mai. After I walked out of the classroom, the whole building felt weird like something I couldn't describe like there was no soul here but only Yuka, Satsuki and me but it felt like the others were here but weren't, mabye the spirt that talked to us was probably right that the others were here but not in the same time just in a different time, ugh this was so confusing for me. I turned around the corner to go keep going but stopped to see that the other part was cut off, Great I thought and turned around to go to a different direction which was the stairs. I was about 4 steps when I swore I could hear laughter, it was childern laughter and it was coming up the stairs, I gathered up my courage and continued to walk upstairs to find Mai and the laughter. As I got up the stairs I heard more childern laughing and it was coming from the boys bathroom, I walked in there and saw no one, I decided to look in here a little bit more just in case that no one was messing with me. I tried opening a stall but it wouldn't budge like someone was holding it back, I tried opening the stall but it was the same thing. When I got to the third stall I went to see if it would open and surely it did, but when I opened the door, a voice came and yelled at me, "SHUT THE GODDAMN DOOR!!!" and the door slammed shut by it self and making me fell flat on my ass. I was shocked for about 10 seconds and realize it was a ghost, I quickly got up and ran out of the bathroom. I panted feeling out of breath, Yuka was right this place is dangerous, no wonder she didn't want me to go alone, I should've listen to her and brought her and Satsuki with me. I thought about it quickly and decided to go and get Yuka and Satsuki, before I could go anywhere I heard childern laughter again and it felt like it was close like it was right beside me. I tried to turn around to see who was behind but I couldn't move it was like I was paralyze, the laughter was more close to me and yet I couldn't move still, then the laughter stop like stop, then all of a sudden 3 childern appeared out of nowhere. I gasped in horror when I saw them, one was a boy who looked to be around the age of 8 or 9. who had blood coming out his mouth, a girl who looked to 10 or 11 had an eye missing and the ghost that I couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl cause the top of its head was missing only showing a jaw came in front of me, they looked at me with curosity then a look of happiness when they look at me but the smile was more like evil like they knew they were about to do do something to me, "yay we have a new person to play with, its been boring since we haven't had vistors in awhile, the rest are so boring," the girl with the one eye said, the two other ghosts nodded in agreement, "mister want to play with us?" One eyed ghost girl asked. I tried to speak saying no but no words came out, "I guess that's a yes," one eye ghost girl said smiling evily. Then the boy who had blood coming out his mouth brought out a scissors and handed it to the girl with one eye, "this is going to be fun," she giggled, "where to start first? Oh I know I'll start with the eye," she said. Then all of a sudden she pounced on me and started to stab me in my right eye, I tried to scream out, yell out for Yuka to come and save me but I couldn't make out the words, the girl stabbed me in the eye repeatedly. After she stabbed me in the eye repeatedly, she said "now here comes the fun part," she said, she told two other ghosts to come cause there was something that would be fun, but I didn't here the last part cause I was starting to feel weak from the blood lost. the two ghosts came over and waited for the girl to give them the order, "rip out his stomach shread his intense do whatever you want," she said the two ghosts nodded and obyed her orders and started to rip my stomach open, "gack!!" I cried out, the childern ghost were giggling evily while tearing my stomach open and tearing my intensies, I couldn't breath, I was starting to lose consinuss and the ghost knew it to, "you're no fun guess we're going to finish you off," the ghost one eye girl said. Then all of sudden the ghost picked me up and to tear me from limb to limb blood gushing out everywhere and guts flying out everywhere as i started to die my last thoughts were Yuka please be safe and I black out.

A/N I promised you guys it would be long anyways vote comment and follow.

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