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Akarui's POV

"Akarui wait up!" Nikko called catching up.

"What?" I glared at Nikko when he caught up to me and was trying to catch his breath. When he finally got done breathing he looked at me like I was crazy or something.

"Are you crazy?!" Nikko asked. "About what?" I asked.

"Going after Kira, she's going to kill you if she sees you,"

"You don't understand Nikko, Kira won't hurt me she loves me," I said.

"Akauri I'm going to say this again, Kira is insane. Look at what she did to Yuka's arm that's not Kira," Nikko said.

"I don't catzre! Kira is out there!" I yelled.

"Akarui I'm about to-" Nikko stopped in mid sentence when we heard someone slumped against the wall that was next to the corner to us.

We peeked around the corner to see a guy around our age was on the ground and had a hand on his stomach. What shocked us the most was this guy was wearing the same uniform as and his apperance was familiar though all we could see was the spikey blue hair. It was...

"Akihiro!" We yelled running over to him.

We knelt in front of Akihiro who was getting pale by the second and we knew why. The reason why his hand was covering his stomach was cause he got stabbed.

"Aki wake up," I said putting my hand on his shoulder which startled Akihiro but made him winced in pain.

"Ow that hurt," Akihiro said.

"What happened who did this to you?" I asked.

"Before we asked question, lets find something to put pressure on your stomach," Nikko said.

"No don't bother, I've lost a lot of blood and I'm not going to make it," Akihiro said.

"Okay tell us what really happened," I said.

"I was with Megumi and Harumi looking for you guys though we couldn't cause a ghost said we couldn't when we woke up," Akihiro explained.

"So Daiki was by himself," Nikko said.


"Yeah he was, but when we found him he was dead, he committed suicide from slitting his wrists."

"No," Nikko whispered.

"I can't beilive this, I thought everyone was going to be alive and that we get out of here," I said.

"Yeah that's what Harumi thought before she Daiki's body and was about to go nuts but luckly Megumi was able to calm her down," Akihiro coughed, I could see blood that came on his mouth.

"Aki what happened after that?" I asked.

Akihiro didn't answer, he was quiet and didn't move.

"Aki?" I asked hopeing he would respond back, he didn't.

Nikko put his finger on Akihiro's neck to feel his pulse. Nikko shooked his head, Akihiro was dead.

Nikko closed Akihiro's eyes while I fell to the ground on my knees.

"Rest in piece my friend we'll see you again someday," Nikko said.

"Aww I was having to much fun, to bad he's dead," a familar voice said.

"N-No way..." I whispered as I saw who it was.

"Did ya miss me?" Kira smirked, and began laughing like a maniac.

"K-Kira?! Did you do this?!" Nikko started backing away from my girlfriend. "Yes, and it was QUITE fun. Wanna try?" I felt like someone had just asked me if I wanted to try pot, in a strange, familiar way.

"No, Kira I'm not going to and this isn't like you," I sai.

"To bad I guess I'll have to kill you," Kira giggled and was about to tackle me when Nikko jumped in for my defence, but Nikko got his throat slashed.

"Nikko!" I yelled.

"Idiot," Kira mummbled

"Kira stopped please I'm begging you," I pleaded.

"Aww but its so much fun I don't want to stop," Kira said.

I looked at Kira then at Nikko's lifeless body then back at Kira. "I did something that I hoped would help...

I hugged Kira, throwing my love for her in her face, showing her that there was still hope, that she could come back from the fears that had turned her into the bloodthirsty monster she became.

"Kira please come back to me,"I said.

"Akarui can I tell you something?" Kira asked.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Those hugs won't work," Kira said.

Before I could react or say anything, I felt a sharp pain that went through my stomach.

Time around us seemed to freeze for moment. "K-Kira?!" I stuttered, slowly falling to the ground.

Kira grabbed me by the hair and looked at me with her soulless eyes, she smiled while putting her knife to my throat.

"You could have at least joined me but no you didn't want to you,"Kira said.

"Kira-" Before I could say more Kira slashed my throat.

Slowly, as quickly as the blood running down my chin, my life force began to fade, until eventually.... I was dead.

Corpse Love (Corpse Party fan fiction) KizamixYukaWhere stories live. Discover now