Chapter 3

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Watsup? the sky! Here comes....(drumroll) chapter 3!!! Enjoy!

Oh yeah, did you guys enjoy chapter 2?!

Please comment about the chapters and don't ask STUPID questions!! (JK)

I'm just going to use TMG as The Mean Gurls. Kay? Coz i'm just sooooo LAZYYYY.


Chapter 3

While the twins were playing games, they saw TMG walked by. The twins just ingnored them. TMG kept looking at them so they could have an idea to revenge the twins.


TMG finally left the twins and thier friends alone.

The twins decided to have a sleepover at their tree house while the next day is Saturday. They invited her four friends. The twins actually wanted to invite TMG so they couldn't make an evil plan. AGAIN.

Sooo, they invite TMG. Amber called the Mean Gurls to have a sleepover at her treehouse. After Amber called TMG, they brought LOADS of stuff espeacially permament marker pens.

They brought the maker pens to draw at the twins and her friend's faces. After they packed their stuff, they went straight to the treehouse without saying goodbyes to thier parents.

When they didn't say goodbyes, thier parents didn't want to drive them to the treehouse. Thier parents suggest for them to walk.

The twins and her friends decided to make a prank on them. While TMG were still walking towards the treehouse, the twins and her friends were getting ready for the scareing operation.

When TMG arrived at the treehouse, they saw all the lights were switch off. They thought that they all were sleeping. So they quietly climb the ladder. When they were going in, the door was lock.

Amber was outside with her two friends and Ruby was inside with her other two friends. Amber and her friends were saying,"TURN BACK!!! GO AWAY!!! THEY WILL CATCH YOU!!!". The Mean Gurls were very scared.

"I... thi..think th..this tree...hou..see iss.. haun...haunted..!" all of them screamed and wanted to go back to thier houses. When they were going to go down they saw three girls with long hair infront of them. They screamed again!

So, they just went upstairs and they saw three girls again! They were trapped! They screamed again! They cried,"I WANT TO GO HOME!! WAHHHH!". The twins finally showed The Mean Gurls who they really are. Some of them even laughed and some of The Mean Gurls were angry at them.

The twins let them all in and laughed behind them.

They all told some spooky stories before they went to sleep. Some of The Mean Gurls can't even go to sleep. One of them don't want to go to sleep because she remember about the marker pens. She waited until they all snored. Amber and Ruby want to stay up for a while to make a prank. One of TMG (a.k.a The Mean Gurls) that going to draw on thier faces, she fell asleep and had a BIG snore.

While they all were sleeping, Amber and Ruby took the makeup stuff and starting makeup-ing thier faces. The twins made a clown makeup. After they finish, they went to sleep and set the alarm at six o'clock.


It was early in the morning at six o'clock. The twins woke up and took a short shower. The twins set the alarm clock to seven o'clock. They went straight downstairs and watch the television. When it was seven, they all woke up and everybody laughed at each other. The twins went upstairs and saw thier friends and TMG were laughing so hard. They went to the bathroom and wash off the makeup on thier faces and took a shower.

After they finish showering they went downstairs and screamed at the twins. TMG also laughed, all of them. Amber and Ruby thought TMG were having fun. They decided to go to The Mall to go shopping and have breakfast there.


Did you guys like it? I'm very sorry that I post it late. I have no time to do it.

The chapter 4 will be soon. I guess. Please vote!





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