Chapter 6

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Sup? Don't know want to type here so i just skip this part.

CHAPTEW SIX!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!


Chapter 6

Man- What movie do you want to watch?

Dad- Captain Philips.

M- How many tickets?

D- Five tickets.

M- Okay sir. Here's your tickets and that will be eighteen dollars.

D- Here you go.

M- Thank you and enjoy the movie!

They went to an empty seat to wait for the movie starts. Marcy was still staring at TMG. She was figureing out how to get revenge on them.

"Marcy! Snap out of it! Why were you staring at those girls?", her mom ask. "Oh, Ruby said that they drew on our faces", Marcy reply. When her mother was going towards to TMG the movie was about to start.

They went to the cinema and find thier seats. They finally saw thier seats and sat. They ate some popcorn while the movie is showing some advertisements and thrailers. When the movie was about to start, five girls were walking and sat at thier seats. It was TMG. Georgia was at the middle of the seat and marcy was infront of her. Marcy kicked her chair.

Georgia looked behind and she was shocked. "Psst! The jabbawockeez girl just now is behind me and she kept kicking my chair", Georgia whispered to Sam.

When the movie starts the twins and Marcy opened thier mask to watch the movie. When Georgia was sleeping, she snored very loud. Georgia's snore was so loud until a lot of people was looking at her. The people were shushing,"SHHHHH!!!!!". Georgia woked up. The twins and Marcy giggled at Georgia.

After the movie was finished, Marcy punched Georgia's back so hard. "OUCH!", Georgia screamed in pain.

Her parents didn't saw Marcy was punching Georgia. They left The Mall and went home. Amber and Ruby was so fustrated of thier faces. Marcy went the twin's room.

M- Where's Georgia's house?

A- It's near our aunt's house.

M- Could we go there?

R- Why?


A- Seriously?!

R- Again?!

M- Yes!! I haven't had enough!


R- I'll ask mom if we could go there.

Ruby went to her parents room and ask her parents. Her mother nodded and Ruby went back to her room and said," YESH!!". "Lets go!", Marcy said. They wore the jabbawockeez's masks and left. They walk to Georgia's house for fifteen minutes only. Amber knocked the door. The door was opened by a maid and Georgia was lying on a couch playing her phone.

"Yes, can I help you?", the maid ask. Ruby reply,"Can we talk to Georgia?" The maid let them in. Georgia was asking her maid,"WHO IS IT STUPID MAID??!!". "It's your mom!", Marcy answered sarcasticly. " WHAT??!!", Georgia screamed while looking at the door. Georgia's eyes were wide open and ran upstairs. They chased Georgia until they caught her. "WHO ARE YOU GIRLS???!!!", screamed Georgia. They won't tell Georgia since she was mean.

"We won't tell you Georgia!"

"Ho-ow did you know my name?"

"We know all about you Georgia! You are the meanest gurl in the school and you always bully people you b*tch! Just stay out of our lives! UNDERSTAND??!!"

"Yes!! Please just let me go!!!"

The twins let Georgia go and went downstairs. Georgia was breathing very hard and went to her bedroom and cried very hard. The twins and Marcy left the house and went back home.


Yeah!!!!! They got revenge!!

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The following chapter will be soon cuz I'm busy.





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