Chapter 5

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Wazzuuuup? Yo, did ya'll enjoy chapter 4? I hope you guys did! Did you vote? Did you did you did you did you??????I hope you did.

On this chapter they have a little sister and her name is Marcy.

Btw, here's chapter..... 5!


Chapter 5

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!", Amber screamed. Ruby woke up immediatley. Ruby saw Amber was inside the toilet. Amber thought Ruby did this. Amber looked at Ruby. Amber saw the same thing at Ruby's face. Ruby and Amber were looking at the mirror. Thier faces were full of makeup stuff. "We better wash this off before we go down!" Amber worried.

When they were trying to wash it off, they can't. It was marker pens. "It's not marker pens, IT's PERMAMENT MARKER PENS!" Ruby screamed.

Amber saw a marker pen under the sink. There was a sticker name on it. It's Georgia's. Amber showed it to Ruby. "So that's why she rolled her eyes and had an evil smile!", Ruby thoughts.

"I think we need to tell mom and dad about this"

"Yeah, I think so...."

They were about to go to thier parent's room and then they heard a scream. It came from Marcy's room. They went to Marcy's room and saw the same thing on thier faces. Marcy screamed with all her anger," WHO DID THIS ON MY FACE???!!!". The twins explained to Marcy what happened.

After explaining to Marcy, they went to thier parents's room. Amber knocked the door and said,"Can we come in?". "Yup", the mother said. They slowly walk into the room. The mother was shocked of thier faces.

"WHY ARE YOUR FACES LIKE THIS??!!", the mother screamed.

The twins explained again to thier mother. The father just went out from the bathroom.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACES??!!", the father screamed with all his anger. "Do we really need to explain to you AGAIN?", Amber ask as she rolled her eyes. "YES!" Then they explain AGAIN.


Marcy- So how are we going to watch the movie when our faces are like this?

Mom- I don't know sweetheart.

Dad- Hmmm.....

Amber- Why not we wear the jabbawockeez's masks?

Ruby- Do we even have it?

Amber- Yes! My friend gave it to me.

Marcy- Why?

Amber- They want me to follow the 'Masked Team' but I don't want to so they just give me the mask if I change my mind.

Ruby- But how many do you have?

Amber- Five I guess....

Mom- Why did they give you many?

Amber -I don't know why.

Dad- Just go take a shower and wear a black jacket and wear that mask. Easy, don't think too much!


They all took a shower. The twins and Marcy wore a black jacket, skinny blue jeans, the mask and converse. The mother just wore a plain blue shirt, jacket, blue jeans and high heels. The father wore a green shirt, brown pants and converse.

They were off to The Mall. When they were walking, a lot of people were staring at the girls. They just ingnore them and continue walking to the cinema floor. While they were waiting at the que to buy the tickets, the twins saw TMG. They were laughing so hard. Ruby heard they said,"Oh yeah! We did it! We draw at thier faces!".

Ruby told Marcy about them. Marcy is a brave girl and she never give up. Marcy walk towards to TMG.

CONVERSATION(Georgia and Marcy)

G- Can I help you?


G- Did what?


G- What do you me- wait, did you just say 'our'?

M- Yes! Me and my sisters!

G- I'm confused!

M- I will never give up on you b*tch!

G- OH!


Marcy went back to the que and kept staring at TMG.


Did you like it? Yeah, Marcy knows badwords. Marcy is twelve years old. She's just two years younger than her sisters. Is the story very long?

Vote and comment please!





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