Chapter 3

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I woke up and saw the time it was 6.00am I took a quick bath and wore my strawberry shampoo...I wore my skinny jeans and wore my pink long sleef shirt once done I wore my perfume so i will smell nice I got downstairs and ate my blueberry pancake...

Went I went out of the house I saw Kelly waiting for me I kept on walking not knowing that she was there..

"Flora wait!" Kelly shouted

I kept on walking ignoring her words someone grabs my hand went I looked behind Kelly was there

"Come on girl! We are bestfriends!" Kelly said

"Fine!" I shouted and went in her car Kelly follow me from behind

"So? Why are you mad went you saw me and Erik kissing?" She said smiling at me

"I can't see my bestfriend kissing with my friend!" I shout as loud as I can

"Wow girl! Don't shout! So you jealous?" She said covering her ears getting ready for me to shout

"No!! I am just.. you know my feelings right?" I lied and I fakely calmed myself down but it seems too fake...

"Ok girl chill I know your feelings..." she said and started to drove

Once we reached school Kelly parked her car at the parking lot while I wait her outside the classroom...

"What are you doing here?! This is my place!" Miley the bully said

"Waiting for Kelly.." I said with my softest voice

"Err she's my friend not yours! Now go in!" She shouted

"No! I'm waiting for Kelly!"

She slapped my face and shouted

"I said go in! Or else-" Miley could not finish her sentence someone cut her sentence

"Or else? You will punch her?" He said

I turned and saw Erik... I like his messy hair! I said to myself I mentally slap my self and heard Erik chuckled

Miley run away leaving me and Erik outside the classroom

"You ok? Did she slapped you hard?" Erik said going to me

"Yeah i'm ok..." I replied

"Who are you waiting for?"


"You not mad anymore? Btw why do you need to be mad at me and kelly for kissing? You..." Erik was cut down by me

"No! I'm not jealous! I just can't see my bestfriend kissing with my friend! I mean like you guys are like gf,bf!" I lied to him

"Ok... btw you are in this class for math?" He said changing the subject

"Yeah.. and also you must promise me not to kiss with Kelly again?" I said

"Okay promise... but other girls can?" He said

"Umm... maybe.."

Erik hold my chin up and whispered to my ear

"I know you don't want me with other girls you just wanted me to be with you... by the way if you love me maybe I could love you back.." He kissed my cheeks which made me blushed and went off

Kelly came and took a quick smile at Erik...

"Hey Flora! Let's go in!" Kelly said with a smile

She seats beside me and talked about me

"Kelly.. can I ask you something?" I said

"Yeah sure! What is it?" Kelly said

"What does a boy mean by 'if you love me I'll love you back'?" I said

"Means... they will truly love you once you love them... why?" Kelly replied confused

"Nothing just asking" I said with a fake smile

Next lesson was english... I am not the same class as Kelly for english too bad.. I went to my english class and saw Erik and Miley kissing I felt too jealous but calmed myself down I ran to the girl's toilet so that Erik won't see me...

I went out of the toilet and saw Jorge infront of me

"Oh my!" I said with my eyes widen

"Sorry did I frightened you?" Jorge said and smile

"Yeah of course you did frighten me!" I said and rolled my eyes at him

I saw Erik behind Jorge pulling this nerd girl for a kiss.....I think his going to saw us! My mind started saying...

"Kiss me!" I shouted at Jorge who is staring at me for a long time

"Why?" He said

"Just do it! Erik will get jealous this time!" I said quickly

"Ohh you want him to feel jealous? Okay anything for kind girls! Especially you...." he said and started to get closer...

Our chest touch and we kiss! He is such a good kisser! I put my hands at his neck so he was closer and finally I reached for his hair.. I always wanted to touched boys hair! I said to myself... I saw Erik saw us and push the nerd girl away

He came to us and push Jorge away from me...the nerd girl just stared at us
"Why are u doing this?" Erik said to me looking angry

"No! I should ask you that question... why are u doing this? Why you kissed Kelly?! Why you kissed many girls? Even my bestie!" I said more like shouting

"Well I am a bad boy if you want to know..." he said and smirk

"I know ok?" I replied

"See you later pretty!" He said and walked off with his last smirk

~~Skip to going home time~~

I walked down and saw Erik kissing with Kelly? Again?! Well it's ok Erik is not mine anyways....I ignore them and walked home...

"Hey Flora! Where are you going?" A voice said from behind me

I turned around and saw Kelly running to my direction... I just kept on walking

"Hey wait up!" Kelly said again

I just stop waiting for Kelly to arrive to me

"Why are you running away from me?" Kelly said

"Because i'm tired! Now I need to go home fast!" I replied and and started to walk faster I looked behind and there's no sign of Kelly... means she's not following me! I just walked alone feeling like i'm lonely

"Hey! Walking alone in the trees?" A voice appeared from behind me I look behind and saw Jorge

"How you get here?" I ask

"Oh... I spy on you..." he said

"How dare you spy on me!" I said with my angry voice

"So why are you so mad? About Erik again?" He said

"You don't need to know!" I said walking faster

"Okay chill girl..." he said and smirk

"So.. do you like your kiss?" Jorge suddenly said

"Oh.. I like the kiss I guess.." I said not sure what to say

"Someone will be lucky if that person is your girlfriend..."

"What you mean?"

"Because you are such a kind and helpful person so yeah someone will be lucky if they are ur girlfriend..."

"Never think of having girlfriends... oh and bye we are at your house!" He said and walked off with his last smirk

I went in my house and took a quick bath...

Hello! Thank you for reading this chapter! Love you all... but I am sad because chapter 2 there's fewer reads and fewer votes.... please tell your friends to read my book..! Since I am not a good writer... I will publish this chapters late so I think I get many reads? Also please vote and comment about what you think about this chapter.... thanks! :)

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