Girl time!!

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It's 7:32am and you are up and preparing breakfast for you and Dylan 🍳
"Babe, whatcha cookin"?! Says Dylan rushing through the door to the smell of his fav food and his fav girl.😊
"Ohh, nothing, just a little bit of breakfast" you reply
Dylan walks upto the bacon and takes a bit before sitting down at the kitten island.
"How did you know"? He asks
"Know what"? You reply thinking that you done something wrong
"Bacon and eggs is my favourite food" he says smiling "You must really be my one and only true love" he says knowing that behind that back that is facing him, is a blushing gal.
"Well, I guess I am" you reply smiling serving him a plate, and then finally sitting down to eat yours.
After breakfast Dylan said that he had to go start filming for The Maze runner, and he also said not to do anything crazy while out with the girls. About 10minutes after Dylan had left, you get a call from your mum. "Great, now what is she gonna say to try and get me away from Dylan?" You say under your breath, but eventually, you suck it up, and answer your mum.
"Hello"? You say
"DARLING!!, how have you been I miss you so much, it's been a long time since I last heard your voice!!" You mum basically screams in the phone.
"Mum, I called you yesterday, and since when do you call me 'darling'?" You ask
"Okay, well if you must know, your sister is pregnant" your mum replies
"WHAT, OMG TELL HER I SAID 'CONGRATS'"!! You say excitedly
"Not really y/n" your mum replies sadly
"What? Why?" You ask getting a serious face
"Because, *starts crying* your sister, she...*cries*"
"Mum, what happened"? You asked getting worried
"Cassy, was rapped" your mum finally finishes
"WHAT?!" You say getting pissed
"I need you y/n, please, get your sister out of here"!! Your mum manages to say under her crying
"Okay um, mum, I've got a request for putting up for a show, I'm practicing on Wednesday" you say
"Why can't you come today"? Your mum asks
"Because, being Dylan O'brine's girlfriend, kinda brings a lot of attention"
"WHAT HAS THAT GOT TO DO WITH ANYTHING"!!! Your mum yells pissed off
"Well, I've got this big thing going on for me today, and tomorrow, I have an interview for Teen wolf, Can't you just hold onto her for a couple of days, then I'll get her."?!!
You couldn't really make out what your mum was saying, but you imagined that she was saying "selfish girl" under her breath. "Fine, do WHATEVERR YOU WANT TADO!, like anyone could stop you anyway" say your mum then hangs up before you could say a thing. You start crying and drop your phone and continue to sob, after about 2 minutes of sobbing, you pull yourself together.

"Stop y/n, you are a strong woman, you can do this" you say to your self you pick your phone back up and check the time. '8:30' you rush into the bathroom and take a shower to straighten yourself up.

<<Time Skip>>
It's 9:30 and you're just putting on your lip stick (nothing that looks too ya know,    make-uppity, just natural colours). 💄 Just as you go to walk out the door, you get a call from '🌺Bestie💝'. You answer it straight away and put a smile on your face that slowly fades away to the thought of your sister
"hello"? You say
"Happy Ta," you where cut off
As you get in the car, you continue talking about how you met him and how it all went down.
"Well what" you say
"Have you like,"
"Like what"? You say
"Ya know, what's it like to have sex with the Dylan O'brien"? B/f/f/n says
You hear a cheering in the background going on. "B/f/f/n, WHAT THE FUCK" you basically scream. "Come on, y/n, we all know that you would have been just dying to get onto him" b/f/f/n says
"😰🙄, b/f/f/n, just because you lost yours, doesn't mean I have to loose mine". You reply "And who is 'we'" you ask "Ohhh just the group" b/f/f/n replies. "HIIII Y/N"!! They all reply "hey guys"! You say, you then check the time 9:10, okay, heaps of time, but just to have some thinking time alone, you say.."SHIT, SORRY GUYS, I NEED TO GO, UM BUT, B/F/F/N, I could really use a one on one talk about something PRRIIVATELYY, okay?" You say "okay" you hear b/f/f/n say "I'll call you later Kay"? "Okie, bye-bye luv😘*kiss sound b/f/f/n says "😘*kiss sound" you say then hang up.

You start thinking about what your mum said, but seem to have no tears left to cry, about 20 minutes later, you see 'star bucks' and decide to get a frappe. When you walk in, you see a small group of guys who stare at you for a while, you try to brush it off and quickly order "How may I help you miss"? A lady says to you, "Hi, can I please get a regular salted caramel frappe"? You ask "you sure can" the lady says "can I grab your name?" She adds "y/n" you say then the lady walks off and makes the drink, you decide to sit down and as you do, you see that the guys are still gawking at you, you roll your eyes and start typing on your phone texting Holland, how you already got her number on your phone, well duh, as soon as you got the chance, you put her number right in there!!!! 🤗🤗
"Hey, it's y/n" you start
"Y/n" your hear you look up and stand up to get your drink "thanks" you say as you pay her a $5 note and storm out to get away from those weird guys. As you unlock your door, someone slams the door close, and holds you up against your car "ya know I really like Starbucks, you can always catch the name of everyone without even asking" the guy says and grabs your waist and pulls it against his. "Come closer, I can't stand when you are too far away" the guy says and starts to kiss your neck "STOP IT"!! You scream the guy ignores you and continues. You start screaming as a guy yells out to the lunatic "LEAVE HER ALONE"!! The guy stops and starts talking to the guy "Come on man, why can't a guy have a little fun" says the weirdo guy that kissed you "No, not when it's causing trouble" replies the other guy "what is going on here?" Says a woman with a group of people who followed her out. "Nothin" says lunatic. Then walks off. "Thanks" you say to the guy "no sweat, are you hurt"? He asks "nah, I'm fine you say as you go to take a sip of your drink "I wouldn't do that if I where you!" The guy says "what, why"? You ask "I saw him spike your drink" he replied "well that's great, I was looking forward to drinking that" you say as you chuck it in the bin the guy chuckles softly as do you, "well thanks again you say" as you walk to your car "wait!" The guy says "can we meet again sometime"? You chuckle "maybe" you say. You get I your car and drive off, locking your door this time. 9:54.

<<time skip>>
Your at the shops no one is there yet because it's only 10:16.😓 "great, the amount of shit that I had this morning, what am I supposed to do?!, and how will mum and Cassy forgive me?!!...This was supposed to be a good day for me!!" You say to yourself and start to cry a few minutes later, you make up your mind and start texting your mum and also a text to Cassy, 'Cassy and mum, I'm sorry, things are a little hard for me to manage right now, but I promise, I will come and get you, tomorrow night, I love you, and I always have, please don't be mad at me, I'm trying my best.❤️' after you finished texting, you sent it to your mum and also to Cassy. A final tear escaped your eye, and that's when you got a tap on your soldier, "Hey y/n!, what's up?....are you, crying?, what's wrong?!!" Says Crystal. You try to brush off the question by saying that you kinda suffer from hay fever while adding on a little smile. But Crystal wasn't falling for it.... "Look, if there is one thing that I learnt from the cast of Teen Wolf, is to not just have have a 'okay' relationship with them, but to have an amazing group of friends, and we all want you to be a part of that, we are all your friends, and if not, Best friends!" Says Crystal cheering you up. "Okay..." You start "My sister Cassy back home, she got, rapped" you finish with a sigh, Crystal's face gets from serious to 'Hella serious'. "Ow my god, I, don't know what to say y/n, I'm sorry, I'm sure things will work out for you, and we will all be there for you every step of the way" Crystal finishes putting a smile on your face. You two hug it out when....

"Hey guys, am I missing out on something?!" Says Holland with the rest of the girls behind her. "Come on, spill" says Victoria.

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