Chapter 7

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"So, why am I here?" Scarlett asked

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"So, why am I here?" Scarlett asked.

She was sitting in Dumbledore's office. She leaned back and crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat, giving him an unamused look.

"I was happy, for once, and then you come and just... take it all away? I thought you were a good person, Albus, but I guess not."

He seemed surprised that she had called him Albus. None of the students called him that, especially not Scarlett. He signed in pity, shaking his head.

"You were in danger, Scarlett. There were people after you and to keep you safe, you have to stay here."


"Dangerous people."

"Oh, really?" Scarlett asked sarcastically. "No way! I mean, it's not like you dragged me here or anything because I was apparently in danger. That would be stupid."

Dumbledore looked at her with a small smile and shook his head in slight frustration.

"You will be returning to classes as usual. You will be staying in my office in a room created specifically for you. You will not leave the school without someone accompanying you or without permission."

Scarlett was shocked at his strictness. He had never been like this with anyone. She knew it was just to keep her protected but she found herself hating how he was trying to control her as though she were a first year.

"I've got it," she mumbled, head hanging low. (dumbles sounds like those mothers in the princess movies trying to isolate their kids hahahahahah)

Scarlett nodded at him and left the office, sighing. She didn't know whether or not she wanted to follow his orders. It sounded pretty boring, lonely even.

She knew there would be four people that she'd be avoiding the whole year, but one specifically. Of course she had moved on from Sirius, but she really just wanted him to know how much he hurt her.

Most of all, though, she wanted to know what happened to Matthew. Why she wasn't allowed to see him, even. He was her Matt, and sure, she may not love him yet but she did have very strong feelings for him. She would learn to love him eventually.

Scarlett just wanted her old life back with Ella, Matthew, and even her job at the cafe. She didn't have to worry about any of this. Nothing in Hogwarts really mattered to her anymore. She just wanted to go home.

She wondered when home became too much to ask.


Scarlett sat down in Transfiguration, making sure to hide away in the corner. It wouldn't have made a difference, she knew. No one wanted to sit next to the 'freak' anyway.

Months before Scarlett had been one of the most popular, liked, wanted girl in the entire school. But now, now she was a freak. An abomination. No one liked her anymore, and it only took her this to realize why everyone had liked her.

They had never truly liked her. They only pretended to like her because she had a pretty face, and that realization hurt most of all. Never once had Scarlett been liked, not even by the people she had once considered her best friends.

All because of a pretty face.



Scarlett glanced up, uninterested. She nearly fell off of her seat at the Gryffindor table as she saw the four Marauders staring at her apologetically.

"Get away from me," she breathed.

The four glanced at each other and sighed.

"Scarlett, we're sorry."

"Forget it, James. I know the truth."

He tilted his head in curiosity..

"What truth?"

"You only liked me because I was pretty and popular," she spat, shaking her head, "I can't believe I ever trusted you."

Sirius had yet to say anything this entire time, but upon hearing those words, he felt an urge to reassure the girl he once called his.

"Scarlett," he said gently, "we liked you because of many reasons, but 'pretty' and 'popular' weren't either of them."

"Like you would know anything," she scoffed.

"Listen to yourself, Scarlett!"

"I am," she practically screamed, "I know what you guys are like and you are all terrible people, so I'm sorry if I'm not exactly quick to forgive!"

"This isn't about forgiveness! Sure, we want it but this is about you accusing us of only liking you for the dumbest reasons!"

"You know, Sirius, we all really know that it's the only reason you ever liked any of the girls you dated, including me."

She stood up and brushed past them roughly, just wanting to go back to her room and forget about everything.


I already broke schedule oh my god. i mean not for you guys but it's a Sunday for me and I was supposed to update yesterday ok I'm so sorry

but Doctor strange was great I loved it and I recommend it even though I really only went to see Benedict Cumberbatch

you know bc of the Sherlock fangirl monster inside me but it was still a really good movie and I'm happy I went


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