14. Psycho

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When you wake up feeling like ass, it's never a good day.  When the room insists on spinning around you?  Dude, you are so screwed!  Unfortunately for me, I'm feeling both those things at the moment, and let me tell you something: it sucks.  There's a chandelier above my head hanging on the ceiling, but it's spinning so swiftly I'm afraid it'll hit me if it falls. My head feels like it's seconds away from falling off, which is not a good thing considering I'm supposed to be immortal.  

Peering down at my left arm with purple markings all around it, I gawk in astonished horror.  WTH is going on?  Why am I so unbearably tired?  This is too abnormal!  Adding insult to injury, I feebly attempted standing up from the plush white bed I'm sprawled across., resulting in a fall of epic proportions. Epic shithole is more like it!  

Alanna chimes in for the first time since coming to this unfamiliar place. "Savannah, what's going on? I feel as though our head's gonna explode!" It's not the tone of her voice that stops my heart, it's the absolute fear coating it.  "I don't know-"

Somehow when my eyes turn an eerie lavender as well, I can feel it physically inside my body like a sixth sense.  I have a freaking migraine, for Souls' sake, so obviously something's wrong with me!  As pointless as I think it may seem, I try once again in vain to stabilize myself.  I fall, just like I predicted.  Only this time around, my vision blurs, and I finally succumb to darkness.  

* * *


Crawling through a huge space when your body's so petite is hell.  The sad part?  I'm not even joking right now!  Also, it probably doesn't help my case that I despise tunnels, either.  I move with the quickness of someone being hunted down by demons and possibly executed, however. If only I knew where I'm headed, that piece of information would be helpful as well; a monumental assistance, really.  Do you think I thought about bringing a flashlight along?  The answer: hell no!

Believe it or not, my to-do-list today didn't have "get kidnapped by a raging bitch demon"  on it. As if the situation couldn't get worse, it becomes increasingly terrible when I fall out of the tunnel.  I scream like a freaking banshee all the way down, then land on a rock-hard floor that had I been human would've killed me.  Instead I groaned, moaned, and stood back up on my tiptoes until my feet could support weight again.  

Eventually-thankfully- I was able to stand completely seconds later, and with renewed strength, a gaping hole has taken over my mouth at what I find before me.  Savannah's blond hair is matted to her forehead, her head's resting on her right arm; and the white hospital gown she's currently wearing is nearly transparent.  Kneeling down on the floor, my breath quickened as I gazed downward where Savannah's eyes are now squeezed shut like she's being tormented by her very own subconscious.  

I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.  Although I have to do something, right?  Unfortunately, I did the first thing that popped into this brain of mine: I slapped her.  "Come on, Sav!  Wake up.  Wake up, girl!  Don't make me slap you again.  I'm kneeling here in a really homely sunflower dress that a horrible demon forced on me, and it's honestly uncomfortable!  I know you must not give two shits at the moment, but seriously?  Wake up!!" When pleading wasn't affecting her in the slightest, I sighed and tried multiple slaps.  Slap.  Slap.  Another slap.  Two slaps with both hands, different cheeks at once.  Damn it.  Nothing's working!

Reality punched me then, because I suddenly remembered I have Soul powers.  In addition to the fact that I'm a shape-shifting werewolf, as much as I can take life: I can give more.  Prying open Savannah's mouth, I suck in air which ultimately transforms into blue liquid, and it comes out of my mouth for her to take in. Except when she opens those eyes on a parted gasp, they're not her usual chocolate-brown.  Electric violet eyes train on mine in a blind rage so intensely deranged I'm taken aback, staggering backwards slowly.  

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