19. Furry

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Glistening sunlight breaks through all-consuming blackness, blinding me.  It takes a few seconds to realize I'm flying-and falling.  I shriek in utter terror.

Strong, secure arms wrap around my waist; as if shielding me from tremendous evil.  "It's okay," three pairs of voices say at the same time, a somewhat tranquil feeling taking over.  However, soon, our bodies crashed down as one towards the ground, falling on top of each other.  Ouch.  Shit!  

I got up, peering around in horror.  Fire encompasses everything that's standing near its path, and I leaped back, fear-stricken.  "What's going on?  I've never seen this much destruction in my life!" I shout so as to be heard over the fire.  It's Ryder who answers me back, causing an eyebrow to rise.  "Alexander's not very happy right now.  He can't locate your mother anywhere, and that's where you come in." He stated obviously; I had to refrain from rolling my eyes at him.  An idea formed unbidden within my head so swiftly that where it originated, I couldn't tell you.

Before I knew what was happening, fingernails dug deep into Ryder's head-fingernails that belong to me.  Three audible gasps and matching looks which clearly showed bewildered, stunned gazes lock on me, but I pay them no mind.  Plunging into the essence of his head, eyes that were brown a second ago are now icy white.  Once I'd gotten the information I needed, slowly I began receding out from Ryder's mind.  

Ryder staggered backward, two steps at a time.  He didn't appear shocked as in what-the-hell-did-you-just-do?- shocked, but more like he was asking how I did it, and was amazed.  Crawling on the grass-covered ground, I drew a squared line into what is perceived as the earth's center.  That line came alive beneath my fingertips, searing itself like a hole.  It danced, swirled, and spun all around us: the small line creating a door that matched Alanna's eye color.

I looked over, only to find three unabashed expressions of confusion, startled amazement, and wonder.  "What are you all staring at?  Let's go!" Hastily, I crawl inside the now-progressively large hole, and it seemingly swallowed me up; with my trio lagging behind.  

Searing white light cuts off my vision for several seconds, then a horrible high-pitch scream erupts from me like a banshee on crack.  The world spirals out of control as I flip through the air, and everything gives way to oblivion...  

* * *

Emerging via a hurricane-like storm is not pleasant.  Wind whips my hair back and forth, unrelenting and wild.  I find myself standing in two long, narrow corridors that seem to divide out of place with each other; as if walls are blocking the space between, even though nothing's there.  Lucien, Jakob, and Ryder all trail behind me, attempting [and failing] at being inconspicuous.  

Some inner part of my subconscious instructed me to close each eye slowly, and so I obeyed.  Something woke up inside my body then: something dark, ominous, twisted, yet so tangible.  Sweet melodies play inside the back of this head like hypnotic lullabies. Grasping onto their hands, an indescribable feeling takes over; almost as if I'm suspended in mid-air.  My feet landed on solid marble, and I once again opened these eyes.

Ryder steps up from behind me, willingly blocking any incoming dangers.  "Okay, everyone's thinking it, so I'll just say it.  Who the hell, where the hell, and why the hell?" Ryder exclaimed, peering around.  All astounding questions.  None of which I had the answers to, unfortunately.  Machines hooked up to wires begin beeping as we inch closer inside the white-walled room, with beds chained on the walls everywhere you look.  Well, everywhere except one spot.

Unconsciously I gaze down, afraid of what I'd find.  Curled up in a tight little ball restrained by ropes circled around her ankles, was my mom.  Clearly startled, she glanced up and met our faces, one by one.  Judging solely on her body language; she is not happy seeing us here.  Correction: she's plain pissed off.  Although she hasn't said anything that would prove her displeasure, I said: "You'd do the same for me, right?"  I questioned. She sighed by way of responding, considering she couldn't do much more due to tape on her mouth.  

Enraptured:The Sacrifice Trilogy [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now