Chapter 13

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Ford's P.O.V.

Their laugh is amazing.

"I thought you get the joke. My arm has turned green from the nettels." They smile sweetly at me. I try to smile back but just chuckle dumbly.

Thet chuckle as well and turn around to me. "You don't mind if I take the book downstairs to read it, do you?"

"You can also read it here, if you want to." I tilt my head slightly.

They beam. "Yes, but aren't you busy?" They points to my desk.

"No no no no, I'm not busy, it's just a bit messy because... of the experiment, y-yes it crawled up here and threw everything away." I tried to ly.

They look at me serious. "And then a dinosaure came, hm?" They smile and chuckle, sitting down on the window plain to read.

I begin to clean up and try to get the redness out of my face.

After an hour I finish cleaning. I look over to Y/N and see them sleeping on my window plain. Their head leans at the glass and the book is ready to fall of their legs. I watch them sleeping and then look at the time. It is almost dinner time, but I couldn't wake her up.

I have an idea. So I open up the door and watch the hallway if anyone is there. Being sure no one is there I also open up her room's door. I quickly grab the book and put it aside and take them into my arms. I walk quietly to her room and try to lay them down to their bed. They wrap their arms around my neck and snuggle up to me. I look to the door and deside to close it. After closing it I sit down with them in my arms. I get sleepy....

Next day

Y/N's P.O.V.

I wake up feeling a warmth around me. I realize that I'm in Ford's arms, but not in his room. I rapple up and see myself in his embrase. I smile. I hear a chuckle and turn my head to where it comes from.

"You two got a good rest?" Stan sits on a chair nearby the table.

"I-I... since when do you watch this?" I blush.

"Dunno, maybe a few minutes." He shrugs.

Ford moves a bit. Stan looks at him. "I'll better go." He stands up and leaves. I, left behind, stare at the door. As the door shuts Ford seems to wake up. I look back to him. He looks at me and starts extremly to blush

"H-hello there... um... I think you can put me down..." I blush back and whisper at the last words.

"Oh I-I'm S-sorry, I didn't... I." He stutters, stands up and puts me down. I begin to chuckle.

Ford's P.O.V.

I screwed it. Again.
I watch them chuckle a bit. I'm surprised they react like that.

"I-I think I'd b-better g-go?" I sound like a squirrel.

They stops to chuckle. "Oh yes, I understand... I'll be downstairs in a few minutes ok?"

I nod and leave. Getting downstairs I see Stan sitting in the sofa and smiling at me.

"Um... Stan please don't make such a deal out of it..."

He laughs and stands up. "Brother, brother, can't you see? You are hopeless." He puts his hand on my shoulder.

I look at it. "I think so... but still don't make such a big deal out of this, I think I'll need some time to think about this. And they probably too... and I don't know what you are talking about!" I walk over to the wending mashine.

"So you really like them!" He grins and I blush. Opening the wending mashine he tries to stop me but I can slip through and dissapear in the lab.

Lucky me! Now he will make a big deal about this!

Gravity Falls story (Ford x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now