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"Look! It's the red head guy!" a random boy shouts while pointing at the 8 years old Jimin with his bag over his shoulder. He just walked pass the school's gate and the huge clock that was put on the school's wall shows that it was almost 7.30 am, the time where all students need to be in class as attendance will be taken by the teacher.

He glances over as he knew that it was obviously him they were talking about. "You came to school again? You don't belong here, red head! Piss off!" the boy said when he walked towards to Jimin, followed by 4 other boys.

"I have a name, you know? It's Jimin." said Jimin and he tried to walk past the boys that surrounded him as he was running late for class but the other 4 were blocking him from walking away. "You aint going nowhere." he heard and suddenly his scarlet hair got pulled harshly by someone making him fall onto his knees. Tears began to fill up his eyes and he started to sob because of the pain that was growing on his head.

"Awww, he's crying." one of the boys said and laughed. The others joined him. "We told you not to come back but you didn't wanna listen to us." another one said with a smirk on his face. Jimin kneeled there helpless. He just wanted to have a normal life but just because of his scarlet hair, kids teased and bullied him.

He tried to punch the boys around him but it was no use since his arms were quite short. "Let me go!?" Jimin shouts, attempting to scare them away but they laughed instead. He then covers his head with his arms as he knew they were going to kick him all at once until his pale white skin turned purple when suddenly...


All of them looked towards the owner of the voice and it was Prince Jungkook. "Y'all peasants better get out of the way or I'll tell my brother to kick your butts." he continued as he gave each one of the boys a death glare. For a group of 8 years old boys, those words were pretty scary. Even though Jungkook was 2 years younger than them but he is the prince and there were a lot of rumours saying that Jungkook's elder brother is as scary as a devil.

All of them ran away as fast as they can, afraid of the cold young prince, except for Jimin who was still on the ground while looking at Prince Jungkook. He had never seen the young prince up close. He only heard rumours about him. Rumours about his words are like lasers that could cut though metal and he even made a teacher cried because of his words. Jimin didn't knew just because of letters that were mixed together to form words could make someone cry.

"Stand up, idiot!" Jungkook said to Jimin. Jimin did as he said as it's an order from the prince. Jimin couldn't lie. The rumours about him spitting mean words were kinda true. Jungkook walked closer to Jimin who's hair had been messed up because of the boys just now. Jungkook tip toed to match Jimin's height and fixed his red hair. He then kneeled in front of Jimin and swung his bag to the front. He opened the bag and searched for something.

"Here." Jungkook said as he hand over a handkerchief to Jimin after he stood up. "Eh, what is this for, your highness?" Jimin stutters as he took the handkerchief from Jungkook's tiny hands. Jungkook sighed. "No wonder they bullied you. You're as dumb as a dog." Jimin flinched at Jungkook's words. He was a bit sad at those words but he let it pass since Jungkook's a prince and he could do nothing to him.

Jungkook pointed down and Jimin looked at the spot he was pointing at. His knees. They were bleeding. Jimin was surprised that he, himself didn't notice that his knees were awfully bleeding.

Jungkook walked past Jimin without saying anything. "Y-your highness! Your handkerchief!" Jimin shouts as Jungkook had walked further away from him. "I don't need it anymore since it'll be stained with your dirty blood." Jungkook shouts from the other side, still walking.

Those words are mean but Jimin could feel warmth in it. Jimin looked down on the handkerchief that was in his hand and told himself that he will someday give it back to the young prince, good as new. He smiled at the thought and quickly ran to his classroom, not minding his bleeding knees.

He hoped that he's not late until he needs to stand outside the class while holding a bucket full of water in his hands. Unfortunately, luck was not in his side but on the bright side, the boys never bullied him again, thanks to Jungkook, of course. The boys got really scared by Jungkook and decided to apologize to Jimin on the next day because they thought that the prince was Jimin's friend.

And Jimin as the good boy he had always been, forgive them and he went on his life as a normal kid. Not really. There were still some criticism about him outside school as he grew older but he got through it and he didn't realised that he actually had long forgotten the promise he made when he was still young, that is to give the handkerchief back to the prince of Seoul, Prince Jungkook.

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