sophia but you turned we saw you turn into a stone.ya and it was very nice of you to leave me like did try to kill us says mara.come on who has,nt tried to kill you guys plus im here to help.why should we trust you says sorry do we i know you and i cant belive you are still taking new kids and making them sibru,s or what ever you,r club is.she reply,s i am the chosen one does that ring a bell to you.oh the chosen one patricia must be devasted has the sire bond started yet.what do you want sophia fabian reply,s as the chosen one said destroy senkhara wait wait wait mara says so you,r willing to destry senkhara with us suddenly KT apears dont trust her eddie .its the only way her reply,s suddenly nina relizes is that KT yes fine you,r in says eddie but eddie i want something i want to move into anubis no no fine then go destroy senkhara you,rself fine he reply,s.THE NEXT MORNING AT ANUBIS amber gets out of the bathroom and see,s williow standing at the door and starts yelling about yesterday when williow says her head is hurting she calls her a freaks and goes to her room williow goes in the bathroom lockes the door and takes some pills out and takes a few .suddenly she hears a knock at the door williow come on jade is moving to hathor house trudy made cake before she leave,s but she does not go.AT THE SCHOOL.williow gets out of a class and is feeling really dizzy and feels like the hallway is spinning around she suddenly colapses and the last thing she remember,s is alfie screaming and telling her she,ll be okay suddenly mr sweet comes out and asks alfie why she has cuts on her hands and why she colapsed.AT THE NURSE,s OFFICE.williow wakes up and see,s she laying on a bed and suddenly freaks what happened,suddenly nurse jenny answers drugs happened.oh so you now.the whole school knows dear you have a visitor.suddenly alfie enters the room and nurse jenny goes out.why did,nt you tell me you were doing drugs and cutting you,rself.she reply,s alfie stop babying me ok im not ur girlfirend and i dont care and niether should you but williow plzz alfie just leave me alone she get,s out of the bed and is about to go out until nurse jenny stops her and tells alfie to go with her and make trudy help her into bed.they both get out of the office and suddenly williow starts to walk fast because she does,nt want alfie to talk to her but alfie still hurry ups and kisses her come on willow tell me you felt something because i did everytime we kissed i made a mistake and i am paying for it every single day of my life.alfie im sorry but i dont feel anything williow says and runs to anubis while alfie goes back to school williow hides behind anubis and starts crying.nina is walking in the woods when suddenly she hears sophia call her chosen one some one told me you,r looking forward to breaking the sire bond.i know how to.nina freaks really wait what do you want i want to be in anubis house nina reply,s okay fine.she makes nina sit and tells her to connect with her spiritual side first nina laughs at her then does it and suddenly she,s flying up in the air her eyes are full white and are totally shinning and then suddenly she falls on the ground what happened she reply,s you broke the sire bond sophia reply,s.AT ANUBIS sophia and nina enter suddenly fabian walk into the kitchen and opens the fridge nina says to sophia oh god why do i feel like i want him because you broke the sire bond reply,s sophia but i cant i like eddie know you dont says sophia.suddenly eddie comes and and freaks that sophia is here why the heck is she here because she,s moving she is,nt eddie reply,s yes she is reply,s nina he reply,s fine but dont forget our date i booked us a hotel room he says as he goes to his room.sophia says whats the suprise are you both going to do it or what because i kidda thought you broke the sirebond we did and no were not doing it sophia please dont make me regret making you stay here fine ill be in my room.AT A HOTEL nina and eddie enter the hotel room nina so want you want to do ,she reply,s you tell me he kisses her and suddenly takes his jacket off and shirt nina suddenly freaks and stops it eddie i need to tell you something wait before you do nina i want you to see something he takes out a box from his pant and opens it i love you nina martin and allsways will so will you marry me nina freaks out