house of anubis season 4 episode 16 house of dates/ house of kidnap

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nina wakes up at 6:00 and goes to the bathroom she epen the door half sleepy and see,s sophia on the floor bleading on a tile and and her hand,s are full of blood as there is a glass stuck in her hand.nina freaks and starts screaming.suddenly victor comes running and so does trudy omg what happened to her nina martin,says victor.nina reply,s scaredly crying nothing happened i walked in and she was there on the floor everyone wakes up and come out of there room eddie wakes up and amber wakes up and see,s victor and trudy carry sophia,s body to the hospital suddenly amber takes nina inside thier room.nina what happened says amber,i walked in and saw her on the floor and then everyone just walks into nina,s room what happedened says everyone and nina explains.AT THE HOTILE jerome wakes up and see,s joy next to him good morning she says what time is it says jerome its 8:00 suddenly joy hears her phone ring its patricia she answers while jerome tells her he,s going to get a shower and he,ll meet her down in the patrcia why did you call.look joy there has been a real freaky thing here at Anubis sophia was found on the bathroom blood pouring out of her and nina was there.wait what you cant thing she tried to hurt her says joy,she reply,s of course not that,s why there is a sibuna meeting at 5:00 were going to talk about everything at Anubis and nina,me and amber are going to see her tommorow and did i tell you KT is now alive.but how,i dont know nina,amber and sophia went up to the the secret room and found her body and there was an elixer as nina says and they made her drink it suddenly her soul was back into her body they discuss more.KT bumps into eddie wait how can you touch me you,r dead,well,you,r back are,nt you,look ill tell you everything i have a date tonight and i have to get ready,you,r just back from the dead and thats what you want to do.well its better than staying at Anubis you should do something tonight and when+ i say that i dont mean hookup with someone at the bar or take shots,they both laugh well i got to go see you later.At the hospital nina,amber,patrcia are all there.okay so she is fine but she lost a lot of blood its good you were there soon or she would have not been here she,s going to be fine soon but there,s a thing since the lose of her blood there might be hillusantions and lots of her cells were damaged so i say you should let her stay for tonight and take her home tommorow and these 2 weeks she must be okay,no bad memory and no high voice and judging by her screaming this morning she has lots of bad memories you all have to help her.well do what we can doctor.they go in and the nurse tries to wake her up she talking in here sleep dont,please done i dont want this i promise please just give him back plzzzzz noooooo and suddenly she wakes up screaming and amber screams backwards and drops some water oh god im so sorry amber,its ok where am i why am i still here get me out of here says sophia to nina  look sophia you,r gonna have to stay here for tonight but we,l come and get you in the morning the nurse goes out,what happened sophia who attacked you,i dont know come on sophia who did it.i dont know ok the last thing i remember is us up in the secret room saving KT memory loss nina reply,s okay well come get you tommorow ok get some rest.fine she lays down.they all come home from the hospital patricia goes out for a walk and see,s eddie she tries not to make eye contact but does and he tells her to wait patrcia hey ive been looking for you look dont say anything just come to my room at night and patricia tries to make a excuse but before that he stops her and goes back.AT night nina and fabian are talking so she is having wierd hillusantions ya nina reply,s well thats better then death but fabian it was like she,s burning and going crazy,ok can we talk about something else so how about that date wanna go now.look fabian i cant ok i told you,ya you also told me you broke the sire bond but still i dont see a change in you and admit you like me you want me.god fabian go to hell she says as she jokes and goes out suddenly she goes outside and see,s eddie standing there she,s almost upstairs when eddie stops her look nina we have to talk once and for all you broke the sire bond and if it was broken why do you still hope for us.look eddie i refuse that my feeling were,nt real for you and we could have ever found out the special powers they are,nt a gift there curse,our blood there cursed and who ever we get close to gets hurt ive just learned to live like this nina is about walk away and he grabs nina,s hand suddenly patricia walks out for her date with eddie and see,s them talking.but how long nina how long will you run to avoid you,r feeling he he takes her face and kisses her lips patricia angrily runs in to the bathroom and starts crying she sits down takes her phone and her and eddie,s pic she,s gets angry and throws her phone at the wall.AT THE HOSPITAL sophia opens half her eye and see,s a doctor and a strange dark haired man he turns around oh finally ur a wake sophia i,ve been waiting for you,rufus,oh sophia its me you uncle Rene.what are you doing taking you home ofcourse sophia starts screaming he takes an ingection and gives it to her she faints.he takes sophia to the car he gets a call.Has it been done,yes its done but Sir may i ask why do want it,Dont answer me rufus you know what can happen

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