Revenge is Sweet.

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I was just about ready to fucking kill Summer, for making me have the most awkward moment in my entire life. Gerard wasn't too bothered about it at all, the perverted son of a female dog. Thankfully, Frank literally chucked one of his t-shirts in my face, after I had been done spazzing out in the living room for the day.

Sitting on the couch, I was thinking of a way to get back at her. Suddenly, an idea hit me like a bag of potatoes being fired out of a cannon. Grinning evily, I went all ninja and poked through Summer's backpack that was lying on the couch. I smiled triumphantly as I found her shapoo bottle, before snooping into the bathroom that was waiting for Summer to use it. Nobody was currently around right now, so I was free to do whatever I had to. I crouched under the sink of the bathroom, looking through the numerous amounts of hair dye lined up underneath it.

Black, brown, blonde, blue, green, pink.

I wonder why these guys had so many bottles of fucking hair dye. Especially pink.

I grabbed the pink and green hair dye, straightening up to turn on the tap of the sink with a swift movement of my wrist. I emptied out the strawberry-smelling contents of Summer's shampoo, and replaced it with green and pink coloured hair dye, mixing it in real good. Turning the tap off, I screwed the lid onto her shampoo and tucked it under my arm, tidying the hair dye bottles away quickly.

Walking out of the bathroom smugly, I placed her shampoo carefully back into her backpack. I heard her talking to Mikey.

"I'm just gonna go get a shower, Mikes." I could almost see her feeling him up or something.

"Gross." I snickered at my own thought.

I was just as bad as Gee.

As I heard her approaching, I calmly walked into the kitchen to see Frank leaning on the marble counter, sipping what I hoped was coffee.

He glanced up, but quickly diverted his gaze.

"Hey." I said quietly, in hopes that he'd speak to me.

"Hey.." He grumbled, downing his coffee in a flash before dumping the mug into the sink. Frank then flicked on the tap and rinsed the cup out briefly, before turning it off again.

"Thanks for lending me a t-shirt." I replied awkwardly, holding tightly onto my right arm with my left hand.

"Don't mention it. I'm sure Gerard enjoyed the show back there, though." Frank snapped, glaring at me slightly before turning on his heel and exiting the room.

Well, that was awkward.

I felt bad as I bit my lip nervously, and extremely pissed off at Gerard for messing things up. Seriously, why did he have to be such a pervert sometimes? Especially around me. What the actual fuck was up with that.

Why can't he just go perv on Summer. That would amuse me, and make my life a little easier around Frank in the process.

But no, Gerard just had to fall on me by 'accident'.

Horny little bastard.

I sighed and poured myself a cup of coffee quickly, before leaving the kitchen swiftly to join Gerard who was sitting on the couch. He seemed to be staring into a space, as I sat down beside him. See, Gerard and I had this unique ability to get over awkward moments as fast as possible.

"How's things with Frank?" I wanted to punch him in the face when he smirked.

"Fucking dandy.." I grumbled, sipping my coffee.

"Sorry." Gerard bit his lip, making it hard for me to hate him.

Ohh c'mon, you know you'd cave in to that face, too.

"It's fine, not your fault, Geebear." I patted him on the shoulder half-heartedly.

"Yes it is." He pouted.

Oh my God! That's so damn cute.

"Yeah, it is." I agreed, grinning.

He just smiled big at me, and stole my coffee from my grasp, taking a huge-ass gulp of it. Oh no he fucking didn't.

"NO! WHY, GERARD, WHY?!" I yelled, falling to the ground dramatically and clutching my chest, sobbing.

"SUMMER STOLE MINE!" Gerard yelled, his eyes filling with fear as he clutched my coffee cup tightly in his hands.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I growled before jumping up and attacking him.

He squealed like a little girl as I beat his face in with one of the pillows that was randomly lying on the couch. Not such a man now, are we?

"Get the fuck off of me!" Gerard screamed, flailing his arms out.

"NEVER!" I yelled, beating him harder.

"Kinky..." Bob smirked as he walked on past, and into the kitchen.

Mikey then walked in, and you could see it on his face that he immediately regretted it. He slowly retreated back into the bunk area, muttering something about 'fucking kids'.

I hope he didn't mean it literally.


Gerard decided to take action as he suddenly started tickling me. I was extremely ticklish, so I immediately burst out laughing and dropped the pillow, curling up and squirming around in my seat as Gerard evil laughed.

"REVENGE!" He yelled.

"F-Fuck y-y-you!" I laughed my ass off.

"I'm definately not letting you go, now." He smirked, tickling me under my arms, making me squeal even more.

Suddenly, he stopped in mid-tickle as a scream errupted throughout the whole entire bus. Oh shit. Summer is so gonna kill me, but it'll be totally fucking worth it-

"SKYLAR, I'M GONNA FUCKING SLAY YOUR ASS!" Summer yelled, before bursting out of the bathroom with bright blue hair in a rage.

"Shit! Gee, hide me!" I squeaked, before hiding behind his back.

"What the fuck did you do?" He snickered.

"I kinda sabotaged her shampoo." I smirked, high fiving him.

Summer stomped over to me, but I quickly got up and hopped off of the couch, screaming and flailing my arms around.

"YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME SUMMER!" I yelled, with a hint of hopefulness clear in my voice as she chased after me, actually carrying a basebal bat in her hands.

"MIKEY, TAME YOUR FUCKING GIRLFRIEND! I HOPE SHE ISN'T LIKE THIS IN BED!" I screamed, making Summer even more furious as Mikey casually sauntered into the room.

"I wouldn't know.." He muttered, "and you're on your own with this one, kiddo." He smirked, folding his arms and leaning against the wall with an amused expression on his face.

Ray, Bob and Frank sooned joined the party. They all wore serious 'what-the-actual-fuck-is-going-on' expressions on their faces. But still, they all took a seat on the couch and watched in wonder as I outran a pissed off Summer with electric blue hair, wearing a towel.

And just for good measure, I stopped in my tracks and whipped around, pulling her towel off like she did with me.

Revenge is sweet.

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