saturday, september 25th; 6:00pm

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6:01pm: My palms are damp with sweat as I nervously walk out of my car, towards the stadium where the concert is. I'm so excited to see Skylar. She doesn't know I got an extra ticket right besides her seat. 

6:10pm: My eyes scan the rest of the seats as I sit in my own. I'm a bit early, she'll come in a little.

6:24pm:  I rummage through the bag of stuff I got her. Purple nail polish, because it's her favorite color. Another Panic! shirt for obvious reasons. A stuffed penguin to remind her of me. ( ^_^)  A box of oil pastels because she likes art. And a super-duper long note that took AGES to write. All in purple wrapping paper. 

6:36pm: Maybe she got lost on the way here?

6:47pm: The concert is starting. 

6:59pm: The rest of the stadium is packed. No one else is walking in. 

7:02pm: I've texted her 24 times already. None of the messages are delivering. 

7:24pm: I'm very scared.

7:46pm: I think I know what happened.

7:56pm: She's not coming.

8:12pm: I get up and leave. Sitting in the parking lot inside my car, tears spilling out of my eyes. I wanted to see her so badly. I'm praying with all of my heart, that what I think happened to her isn't actually true. 

( :( )

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