Christmas Shopping and Kisses

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Hey guys. Before I start this chapter, I'm gonna apologize. Truth is I have been writing this for over a week. I have had school work, visitors, and not to mention school itself so its been hard to update. So just for you, I'm making this chapter extra long. Enjoy! Oh I almost forgot. There's some Ariana Grande Santa Tell me music just to get you in the Christmas mood even though its still November. ❤️💚❤️💚

Riele's POV
We all spent yesterday unpacking and getting used to our rooms and stuff so we nev
er left the hotel. Jace and I were tired so we fell asleep early last night. About 9:00. Its morning now, and I'm trying to wake Jace up. "Jace. Jacey. Booj. GET UP JACE!" I yell. He falls off the bed. "OW!" He says. "Well, shoulda gotten up." I said. "Okay, well next time don't yell in my ear and cause me to fall off the bed." He said while rubbing his head. Im gonna go down to the free breakfast and get something, or do you wana wait?" I said. "Lets wait to go out but, you can get me some coffee." He smiled. "Um, oh no, your little firm butt is gonna walk downstairs with me, and make your own coffee, yeah thats how this relationship is gonna work." I stated. He just sat there with his mouth wide open in shock. "Yeah your speechless now. You wont be later." I smirk. "Well, dont just sit there, lets go! Put some clothes on your not gonna walk down shirtless in your boxers and slippers." I tell him. "Whatever." He mumbles and gets dressed. "Now that's more like it." I smile. "You deserve this." I say and plant a kiss on his lips.

Jaces POV
"You deserve this." Said Rie as she planted a kiss on my lips. She whispered in my ear very sexy. I could feel all the blood rush to my cheeks, I'm probably as bright as a tomato. "Aww Jace I made you blush." She hugged me. Yeah, she did. I wonder if she was as eager about tonight or tomorrow night or whatever night we are gonna do it as I am. "Rie where do you wanna go for actual breakfast." I asked. "Um, I dont know we'll have to stroll around the city and see what we can find." She says. "Okay lets get Reiya and everyone else. But cooper and Liz can do whatever." She adds. I swear if she continues to be so beautiful I might just swoop her back to bed right now.

Queen RieRie's outfit 🌸🌙

Queen RieRie's outfit 🌸🌙

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